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Showing 605 results for "senate votes impose homosexual behavior military"
  • AZ school district unlawfully drops student-teachers because they attend Christian university
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Christiana Kiefer regarding the introduction of a bill Thursday by U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, that protects women’s sports by clarifying that sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972: “Women and girls deserve the opportunity to compete and enjoy the possibility of athletic victory. But allowing males who identify as female to compete in girls’ sports destroys fair competition and erases women’s athletic prospects ...
  • U.S. Supreme Court decides not to review case involving a Christian sorority and fraternity at San Diego State University told they must be willing to accept atheists as leaders:
  • … state troopers formally acknowledged that the officers’ behavior was unconstitutional, and agreed to train officers … state troopers formally acknowledged that the officers’ behavior was unconstitutional, and agreed to train officers …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom defends Hawaii’s marriage laws against legal attack.
  • Federal court permanently prohibits members of Bash Back! from invading U.S. churches
  • Senate rejects bill abolishing commonsense abortion … named “Women’s Health Protection Act” to pass the U.S. Senate for the second time this year: “Today the U.S. Senate once again rejected legislation that would have …
  • Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Student Expelled for Adhering to Her Religious Beliefs and Admonishes University that “Tolerance Is a Two-Way Street.”
  • ADF attorneys appeal federal court ruling against counselor fired for referring individual seeking same-sex relationship counseling to a colleague
  • Ordained ministers file suit to protect their religious freedom