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  • Every generation has a battle to fight. And today, we face an unprecedented challenge. Our culture has rejected the very foundations on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat. That’s why courageous people who are willing to stand firm come to Alliance Defending Freedom for help. Through the generosity of people like you, we protect their God-given rights—and yours—in courtrooms and legislatures around the country and across the world. If you want to support the work of ADF through a gift of cryptocurrency, please use the form below to begin the process of ...
  • Justice Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation breaks an important barrier for women and girls — demonstrating that it is possible to honor a woman’s role as a wife and mom, and also serve as a high-level attorney.
  • What motivates one school district to silence this little girl’s witness for Christ?
  • When It Comes To Homeschooling, This Man Could Teach Us All A Lesson
  • Read the stories of three young women who faced what was, for them, unthinkable — and made the courageous decision to choose life for their babies.
  • You might think a commitment to protecting unborn life would be an asset for a midwife.
  • The Biden administration is trying to unlawfully rewrite the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and override Idaho’s pro-life law. This would FORCE Idaho emergency room doctors to violate the state’s pro-life law and take innocent unborn life. The Biden administration has sued Idaho to block the state’s law that protects the lives of women and their unborn children from abortion, unless necessary to save the life of the mother. The State of Idaho is standing for life and we’d like to ask you to stand up for life as well. Will you step up right now with a gift and ...
  • Peggy Hartshorn was a young wife and aspiring English professor when an NPR news report changed her life.
  • No parent should be kept in the dark about what’s happening with their child at school. And no teacher should be forced to comply with mandates from gender activists forcing them to violate their beliefs. But that’s what’s happening in school districts across the country. Stand with parents who are defending their rights to raise their children according to their beliefs, and with teachers and staff willing to speak the truth to activist school officials in places like Virginia’s Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS). Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with these brave parents and ...
  • Case Updates From Around The World