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  • Planned Parenthood and other abortionists in Iowa are challenging the state’s fetal heartbeat law, which was enacted to protect innocent, unborn life by prohibiting elective abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat.
  • Following Roe’s overturn, ADF attorneys representing governor ask IA high court to revise recent decision
  • ADF attorneys represent 60 state legislators who asked state high court to overturn previous decision
  • University specifically names First Amendment protected speech as possible violation of ‘harassment’ policies; ADF sues on behalf of student
  • ADF attorneys representing an Iowa church filed a federal lawsuit against members of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, among others.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys hold Planned Parenthood accountable to the taxpayers.
  • State changes policy in wake of ADF-CLS lawsuit, allows state employees to donate to faith-based charities
  • Alliance Defending freedom filed a federal lawsuit to protect an Iowa church's freedom to operate according to its faith without fear of punishment from the government.
  • In 1991, Sue Thayer took a job at her local Iowa Planned Parenthood as an entry-level assistant.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Chris Schandevel regarding the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision Friday in Planned Parenthood of the Heartland v. Reynolds to reverse a lower court’s temporary injunction on Iowa’s fetal heartbeat law and allow it to take effect: “States have the strongest possible interest in protecting the most fundamental of our human rights: the right to life. So we’re thrilled to join the people of Iowa in celebrating today’s decision by Iowa’s highest court. Iowans have been eager to declare that life is a human right, which ...