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  • Government officials are showing open hostility towards people for their religious beliefs. In February, Arizona’s Washington Elementary School District board voted unanimously to sever its 11-year partnership with Arizona Christian University (ACU), which had allowed student teachers and practicum students to gain valuable classroom experience, while providing a stable source of quality teachers for the district’s elementary schools. In severing the partnership, the school board cited zero complaints about ACU students or alumni, and administrators in the district had even asked for more ...
  • Free speech is under attack in America. You can help provide a winning legal defense for Americans standing up for our First Amendment freedoms.
  • ADF is representing several female athletes who are fighting to protect women's athletics from unjust policies that allow biological males to compete in women’s athletic programs.
  • Sign your name to the statement below and join with more than 9,400 friends of freedom nationwide to stand for Free Speech. I stand against the efforts of government officials to restrict the expression of my beliefs. I stand against the mobs who seek to intimidate their ideological opponents into silence. I stand for freedom of speech for all!
  • Your generous support keeps us standing for your freedom!
  • Your gift will help protect parents’ rights and stop discrimination against children!
  • With attacks on your God-given freedoms increasing, your monthly gift is critical.
  • Your gift right now will help defend free speech in crucial cases where your right to free speech is at risk.
  • Many Americans don’t understand what true religious freedom is. Download our short and free guide—Religious Freedom: 3 Myths & 3 Facts—today.
  • Novel. Unprecedented. Staggering. These words have all been used to describe a federal appeals court decision that said Colorado officials can force artist Lorie Smith to create custom designs and promote messages that violate her beliefs. Lorie left the corporate design world to start her own design studio, 303 Creative, in 2012 so she could promote causes consistent with her beliefs and close to her heart, such as supporting children with disabilities, the beauty of marriage, overseas missions, animal shelters, and veterans. She was excited to expand her portfolio to create websites that ...