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Showing 690 results for "detailspages alliance alert details divided supreme court begins new term in shadow of election politics"
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Gonzales v. Carhart Details Documents Summary … the harm of partial-birth abortion. Our role in this case Alliance Defending Freedom provided funding for comprehensive …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Washington v. Glucksberg Details Documents … court that Washington could not ban assisted suicide. Alliance Defending Freedom provided strategic support and …
  • … Concluded State Supreme Court Elane Photography v. Willock Details Documents … senior counsel and director of strategic engagement with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role with …
  • … Concluded U.S. Courts of Appeals Stormans v. Wiesman Details Documents Profiles Summary The Stormans family and … as they are allowed to do in all 49 other states.   Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies at Ellis, Li & … a petition for writ of certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. Unfortunately, on June 28, 2016, the Court
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus Details Documents … List because the group attempted to erect billboards in his district during the 2010 election cycle. The …
  • … Active U.S. Supreme Court O'Handley v. Weber Details Documents Profiles … Court Title Date U.S. Supreme Court Brief of amicus curiae Alliance Defending Freedom in support of petitioner 8/25/2023 …
  • … Planned Parenthood of Montana v. State of Montana (I) Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary The state of … the laws even though the laws are presumed constitutional. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys are representing the … the Montana Attorney General have appealed to the Montana Supreme Court in order to uphold these commonsense laws that …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Zelman v. Simmons-Harris Details Documents … choice, including a religious school Our role in this case Alliance Defending Freedom provided funding to the legal team …
  • … District Courts ThinkRight Strategies v. City of Ann Arbor Details Documents Resources Profiles Summary Grant Strobl and … up to $500 per day and pursue additional remedies.  Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a lawsuit against … and their company, ThinkRight Strategies. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court Stipulated dismissal: ThinkRight …
  • … Won U.S. Supreme Court Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia Details Documents Summary A student group at the University … against establishing a state religion. With funding from Alliance Defending Freedom, the students filed a lawsuit to …