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Showing 179 results for "legal implications johnson amendment"
  • … What Is the Blackstone Legal Fellowship? The Blackstone Legal Fellowship is integral in Alliance Defending Freedom’s … this goal is through a ministry called the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, which aims to build and strengthen a …
  • … God’s Not Dead 2: The Legal Cases That Inspired the Film God’s Not Dead 2 drew … not all government officials act like it. While the First Amendment protects the rights of all Americans to live out … 7628 … 7631 … 7627 … 7617 … 7632 … God’s Not Dead 2 : The Legal Cases That Inspired the Film … 20514 … free speech … …
  • … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths After 20 years of legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC … other nonprofits. … … 7616 … 7617 … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths … …
  • … How ADF Protected First Amendment Rights During COVID Government officials have a … defend the rights of church and ministry clients in 17 legal matters and assisted (or equipped others to assist) … freedom issues. Our team offers members a variety of legal resources, reviews and provides advice on churches’ …
  • … Colleges and Universities Are Threatening First Amendment Freedoms ADF's Center for Academic Freedom defends the First Amendment rights of students, student organizations, and … who were members of the school’s chapter of the Christian Legal Society (CLS), attended the event and prayed on the …
  • … The Equal Rights Amendment: Its History, Its Meaning, and Where It Stands Now … women. This included government-financed abortion, the legal dissolution of biological differences between men and women, and restrictions on women’s legal rights in matters of divorce. Today, the Equal Rights …
  • … Alaska Campaign Limits Ignored First Amendment In Thompson v. Hebdon, a group of Alaska voters … Published December 9, 2022 Revised May 21, 2024 The First Amendment protects many types of free speech, including the … lawsuit, the group alleged these limits violated the First Amendment because they were so low. In fact, the contribution …
  • … deeply held religious beliefs about sex and gender. The implications would be far-ranging: Dayspring would be forced … its service to the community. Church of Compassion v. Johnson May 2022 : The USDA notified all state directors that …
  • … Tax Churches Church tax exemptions protect our First Amendment freedoms by ensuring the government cannot control … In its opinion, the court relied heavily on the 1954 Johnson Amendment to the Internal Revenue Code, which states … that we’re asking them means that we need to remember the implications of religious freedom guaranteed by the First …
  • … speech in civilized society. What speech does the First Amendment protect? The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the … person deems “offensive” or even “ hateful .” In Texas v. Johnson (1989), the Supreme Court said that “If there is a …