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Showing 276 results for "alarming biden rule could mean opposite sex roommates college dorms"
  • … Does the ACLU Know What ‘Sex’ Means? States are introducing legislation to define the … such a statement seems to be lost on the ACLU. These bills could hardly be called “Re-Definition of Sex” bills when they … year, House Bill 421 . HB 421 clarifies what certain words mean in Idaho law: for example, the word “boy” means “a minor …
  • … Christian College Still Affirms Biological Reality Despite Biden Administration Threat College of the Ozarks filed a … Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a rule change. Under the new rules, religious schools are … including dorm rooms and showers, to members of the opposite sex. As you can probably imagine, this didn’t sit …
  • Biden Admin Abuses Its Power Again, Redefines ‘Sex’ in … effect since 2010, the Biden administration issued a new rule 14 years later that unilaterally changes its meaning. … of federal funding, and doctors face steep penalties and could lose their ability to care for Medicaid, Medicare, and …
  • … Texas School District Challenges Biden Admin’s Harmful Title IX Rule ADF filed a lawsuit on behalf of Carroll Independent … School District. Biden administration redefines ‘sex’ in Title IX In April 2024, the Biden administration …
  • … Louisiana School Board Takes On Biden Admin Over Radical Title IX Rule Changes The Rapides Parish School Board is standing up … policies about the importance of biological sex and could open the school board up to liability. In addition to …
  • … their education and career goals. But as soon as the Biden administration’s term started, it began a campaign to … definition of “sex” to Title IX through a proposed rule change. And despite formal comments submitted by … declines to use pronouns inconsistent with a person’s sex could be charged with similar offenses. In 2021, ADF …
  • Biden Admin’s Rewrite of Title IX Began on Day One President … made headlines for officially adopting a set of reckless rule changes that redefined “sex” in Title IX to include … their biological sex. The Department of Education said it could launch an investigation into any school that declined …
  • … What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life? The dictionary definition of 'pro-life' … does life begin? What is a person? What does viability mean? Definitions are powerful. They don’t just categorize … notion that women are people.” It’s a powerful line: who could deny that women are people? Those of us in the pro-life …
  • … How the Biden Administration Is Using Regulations to Erode Religious … to be advanced this year, and the chilling effect they could have on those who live and work according to their …   Contraceptive Mandate Issued by HHS In another Obamacare rule administered through HHS and other agencies, the Obama …
  • … Victory! Supreme Court Rules for College Student Silenced from Sharing the Gospel Chike … in a public area on campus. This wasn’t something Chike could stay quiet about. That’s why he reached out to Alliance … field, these “speech zones”—the only places students could exercise their First Amendment rights—would be the size …