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Showing 246 results for "sanctity of life page 12"
  • … policy to add “gender identity” to its list of protected classes. It then developed and issued guidance … years. Each teacher has taught children from all walks of life and cares deeply about every student, including a … Dark About Their Children … 18740 … parental rights … k-12 … gender identity … pronouns … transgender … D.F. v. …
  • … ADF Assists Alabama’s Defense of Children ADF is helping defend Alabama Senate Bill 184, … to these children’s distress is to push experimental, life-altering drugs and surgeries that prevent healthy … are allowed to mature naturally, the large majority of them grow out of their gender dysphoria during the course …
  • … Published August 7, 2023 In New York, there is a history of religious people being treated worse than everyone else in the eyes of the law. In one prominent example, a New York City policy … Daniel of violating NYDOT regulations by encroaching 12 feet onto the public right of way, failing to get a permit …
  • … 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths After 20 years of legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC churches finally have equal access to …
  • … Everyone Else ADF won a lawsuit challenging the exclusion of religious schools from Vermont’s Dual Enrollment Program. … and their parents, especially with the rising cost of college tuition. And that’s exactly why Vermont’s Dual … Lutheran Church Child Learning Center … private school … k-12 … education … dual enrollment … religious freedom … Court …
  • … What Is Freedom of Conscience, and Why Does It Matter? The freedom of conscience is fundamental to America’s founding … an exact definition. The concept pops up in all kinds of places. In Saturday morning cartoons where good guys …
  • … Young Americans for Freedom Latest Target of Ideological Purge on Campus The University at Buffalo … derecognized a Young Americans for Freedom chapter because of its political viewpoint. Written by Alliance Defending … (YAF) is an outreach organization dedicated to the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free …
  • … Michigan Threatened the Well-Being of Children in Foster Care … How One Ministry Responded … 29, 2022 Revised December 21, 2023 There are hundreds of thousands of children in foster care nationwide. This is heartbreaking …
  • … to compete against male athletes without a fair chance of success. Written by Natalie Allen Published January 26, … Revised June 7, 2024 The recent story about University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas has continued to fuel the … full years of testosterone suppression, males still run 12% faster than women. On the track, 12% is an unbeatable …
  • … University of Nebraska Settles After ADF Lawsuit A lawsuit brought by Ratio Christi at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln held officials accountable for not … than others. Such was the case with one campus chapter of Ratio Christi, a Christian apologetics organization with …