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Showing 190 results for "michigan schools try silence prayer"
  • … How Pittsburgh Tried to Silence Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors Pro-life sidewalk … that the ban doesn’t apply to sidewalk counseling, only prayer or standing quietly while holding a sign or wearing … including pro-life counselors. “The government can’t silence speakers just because it doesn’t like what they have …
  • Michigan Threatens Catholic School Over Gender Ideology A redefined Michigan law is threatening to violate the First Amendment … with their religious beliefs is a top priority. Religious schools have the First Amendment right to operate according …
  • … concern over what is going on in their children’s schools—both online and in person at their local school board … even said , “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Parents have a right  to … seek information about what’s going on at their children’s schools. And in many school districts, there are serious …
  • … Colorado Trying to Exclude Christian Schools from Universal Pre-K Colorado is demanding that … most important to them. The state is treating religious schools worse than others. Read on to learn how one Christian … it to violate its Christian beliefs. Colorado is forcing schools to agree to two separate nondiscrimination provisions …
  • … Hears Case of High School Football Coach Punished for Prayer High school football coach Joe Kennedy was fired after … Bremerton School District  that Coach Kennedy's personal prayer of gratitude at the end of a football game is … What of the second question? Can Bremerton School District silence Coach Kennedy to avoid violating the Establishment …
  • Vermont snowboarding coach Dave Bloch favorably settled his lawsuit after being fired for saying that men and women are different.
  • Michigan Threatened the Well-Being of Children in Foster Care … from serving foster children. Here's how one ministry in Michigan responded. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom … and foster care providers like Catholic Charities West Michigan. But several states, including Michigan, have …
  • … U.K. Stifles Prayer with Public Spaces Protection Orders So-called ‘buffer … from harassment. Instead, they are deliberately used to silence and sanction people who hold pro-life convictions. … zones. Below are a few people whom governments tried to silence for their pro-life and pro-free speech beliefs. …
  • … Union turned to a group chat to stay in touch and share prayer requests. One day, a student sent a video to the … of punishment or retaliation. No one should be forced to silence their beliefs just to keep a job. Learn more: … … …
  • … on a variety of issues. This is especially true for law schools, which are supposed to teach students how to properly … students who were not CLS members also joined them in prayer. After the prayer, one student asked the CLS members why they believed …