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Showing 237 results for "detailspages press release details kentucky printer s victory is victory for all"
  • … and develop the resources needed to ensure the ministry’s capacity to respond to opportunities. As the first … Chief of the Criminal Section for the Western District of Kentucky. Sears was appointed director of the Attorney … The New York Times , The Washington Post , the Associated Press, The Washington Times , The Seattle Post-Intelligencer …
  • … the Hands On Originals Case? Blaine Adamson, owner of the Kentucky-based print shop Hands On Originals, faced legal … April 11, 2022 Revised January 4, 2024 Blaine Adamson is a regular American. He has a home in Kentucky, where he lives with his wife and kids. He’s a small business owner. His family is involved in their …
  • … Are ADF’s Cases ‘Made Up’? ADF’s clients have faced laws that … to operate her design studio after her Supreme Court victory. Photographer Emilee Carpenter still actively … Media Group … Emilee Carpenter … Colorado … Idaho … Kentucky … Arizona … Wisconsin … Ohio … Virginia … New York … …
  • … pro-lifers gather in Washington, D.C., to march from the U.S. Capitol building to the Supreme Court to rally for the … Maybe you’ve even participated. What you might not know is that the March for Life Education and Defense Fund is busy … Court, its legal fight continues. Let’s take a look at the details of this case. What is the March for Life Education …
  • … Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs John Kluge was forced to resign … January 4, 2024 Religious freedom has been one of America’s most cherished rights since the Founding. In both our … professional careers, the right to exercise our religion is a hallmark of a free society. But over the past few …
  • … Vermont School Suspended Father and Daughter for Calling a Male a Male The facts behind the Vermont locker … restrooms and locker rooms by sex used to be a given. It is an obvious way to respect everyone's privacy and promote safety, especially for women and girls. …
  • … Discriminate Against Religion Carson v. Makin, which the U.S. Supreme Court heard in December, presents similar legal … program in which they are otherwise qualified. Read the press release here . On December 8, 2021, the Supreme Court heard …
  • … Universities Are Threatening First Amendment Freedoms ADF's Center for Academic Freedom defends the First Amendment rights of … The First Amendment applies to every American, which is why the freedoms of speech and religion must be protected …
  • … Vaccine Mandate ADF opposed the Biden administration’s efforts through OSHA to compel large, private employers to … getting vaccinated. The Daily Wire understood that there is no one-size-fits-all scenario; there is diversity among us … Baptist Theological Seminary, located in Louisville, Kentucky, is the oldest seminary affiliated with the Southern …
  • … Dark About Their Children Harrisonburg City Public Schools is requiring teachers to lie to parents about their child’s preferred names and pronouns at school. Written by Alliance … responsibility as parents. They want to do what is best for their children and parent them well. But the actions of …