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Showing 2354 results for "its not just nurses doctors pharmacists can be conscientious objectors abortion too"
  • … Ensuring That States Can Direct Funding Away from Abortion Facilities Pro-life … about government funding and Planned Parenthood has found its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. This time around, the … qualified provider. At the same time, the amendment did not define who was “qualified,” and it allowed states broad …
  • … Alaska doctors: Planned Parenthood shouldn’t get to decide what … should only be used to pay for necessary medical services, not elective abortions,” said ADF-allied attorney Kevin … abortions. “Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be allowed to set its own rules for when taxpayers must pay for the abortions …
  • … Female athletes, doctors challenge Biden admin's attempt to rewrite federal … Legal Counsel Rachel Rouleau. “We urge the 5th Circuit to not only protect female athletes but also doctors, who should … stopped the Biden administration’s gross overreach of its authority and political agenda, and we hope the 5th …
  • … beliefs. Nonetheless, Mount Sinai Hospital is multiplying its injustices against nurse Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo,” said ADF … to court to defend her rights. Mount Sinai Hospital does not have the right to disregard federal law and then refuse … rights. The brief points out that a federal court just this year “not only recognized an individual right, but …
  • … children and the health and safety of mothers by enforcing its pre- Roe v. Wade  law that offers substantial protection … based on  Roe . “Pro-life laws like the one in Arizona not only help protect the lives of countless innocent, unborn … a vote. That’s not how a republic works. Only this Court can fix it.” Pronunciation guide: Harle (HAR’-lee) Alliance …
  • … period for physician-assisted suicide from 15 days to just 48 hours. But this law didn't just affect patients and … qualification in hospice and palliative medicine. CMDA and its members like Dr. Cochrane seek to live out their … patients need understanding and sound medical treatment, not encouragement to kill themselves. Their rights of …
  • … denied Women’s Health Link’s request simply because its website contains information on “controversial issues,” … a picture of a young woman and the tagline “You’re Not Alone” along with the center’s contact information. … advertisement and revising its policies so that everyone can exercise their constitutionally protected freedoms.” …
  • … Florida, Catholic doctors sue Biden admin for redefining 'sex' in health care … states’ power to protect their own citizens and we will not stand by as Biden tries, yet again, to use the force of … attempt to hijack medicine is the latest example of its unlawful overreach,” said ADF Senior Counsel Julie Marie …
  • … Christian doctors ask court to halt CA law that forces participation in … legalized physician-assisted suicide in 2015 with its passage of the controversial End of Life Options Act. … where the practice is allowed, California legislated to not only eliminate important safeguards from the End of Life …
  • … director of Choices Pregnancy Center in Arizona, will be available for media interviews Wednesday following oral … children and the health and safety of mothers by enforcing its pre- Roe v. Wade  law that offers substantial protection … based on  Roe . “Pro-life laws like the one in Arizona not only help protect the lives of countless innocent, unborn …