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Showing 378 results for "tweeting bible verse does not establish national religion"
  • … Public-Accommodation Laws Must Respect, Not Violate, Free Speech In June, the U.S. Supreme Court … to potential customers based on their race, color, religion, or national origin. Since then, various state and local …
  • … rights of every single one of us.” Of course, O’Rourke did not become president, so he never had the chance to strip … society, all its members must be able to practice their religion without government interference. This is why the … the free exercise thereof.” While the First Amendment does not explicitly mention taxes for churches, it is well …
  • … asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Brian’s case.   What does Washington’s law do? Brian works with only those clients … a recommendation from a parent or a church, he will not continue counseling them unless they decide they want him … “conduct” is listening and talking—conversation. He does nothing more than speak with his clients when he is …
  • … We’re taking on Jessica’s case to ensure that Oregon does not bar Jessica or other people of faith from …
  • … is free to “decide whom to celebrate, when and how,” the not-so-secret expectation is that every team holds an LGBT … regulated by the NHL, each team can choose what it does during the themed celebrations. Some teams have players … counter to my personal convictions which are based on the Bible, the highest authority in my life." There were still …
  • Who will protect children and defend families as the threats continue to grow? You can. Today. With the critical support of our Ministry Friends, Alliance Defending Freedom is advancing legislation that will protect families for generations to come. But we need your support—because it’s only possible through the generosity of people like you. Will you give today? When you give, you can further the impact of the $400,000 challenge grant that helps meet our critical need to advance protections for children, parents, and the family. ADF is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to ...
  • Who will protect children and defend families as the threats continue to grow? You can. Today. With the critical support of our Ministry Friends, Alliance Defending Freedom is defending clients being punished by government officials and activists using gender ideology as a wedge to separate children and families. We never charge our clients a dime to defend them in court. But that’s only possible through the generosity of people like you. Will you give today? When you give, you can further the impact of the $400,000 challenge grant that helps meet our critical need to advance protections for ...
  • … playing field. Since these girls’ legal challenge stirred national attention, 21 states have enacted a women’s sports … the protections being enacted for women and girls. Not all women’s sports bills are created equal Generally … A claim of female gender identity—however sincere—does not erase a male’s physical advantage over women. When …
  • … in Our Care for Vulnerable Women We asked a number of national pro-life advocates to answer the question, ‘How can … Roe America, the people speaking through elected lawmakers—not judges—will debate and decide how to better serve women … made that decision only because they felt like they did not have any other choice. That’s wrong! At pregnancy …
  • … v. Southern Pacific Co. The judicial system, then, should not reject individuals from serving as jurors by using crude … because of sex or race. The same should be true with religion. People shouldn’t be excluded from participating in … to punish those who disagree with them, even though the Bible teaches believers to love their neighbors as themselves …