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  • Pixar’s new movie helps visualize the internal anxiety many adolescents feel and presents an opportunity for parents to talk to their children about it.
  • In a culture that seems to be shifting further from the truth, the Blackstone Legal Fellowship is preparing the next generation to stand for it boldly. Since the program began in 2000, it has grown to reach thousands of law students around the country and the world—and impact countless communities across the globe. The Blackstone Legal Fellowship provides a lifelong community for Christian law students. But it begins with a summer program that includes world-class training in fundamental principles of law and faith, equipping these law students to stand for truth in their vocation. As they ...
  • As a cake artist who has faced a similar lawsuit to the one Jack now faces, I know the importance of free speech.
  • Swiss government officials have removed a child from her loving home simply because the parents sought to protect her from gender ideology. After their daughter began expressing gender confusion, this mother and father pursued compassionate mental health care that would help their child feel comfortable in her own skin. But the school and local hospital, in conjunction with a trans-activist organization, tried to “socially transition” their daughter instead—against the parents’ clear wishes. Social transitions can often pave the way for harmful medical interventions, including life-altering ...
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship equips the next generation of Christian leaders and legal professionals to boldly defend your freedoms. This mentorship and training program enables men and women of faith to stand for truth in their careers and their communities by teaching them about the foundations underlying our most cherished freedoms. Blackstone students engage with some of the nation’s top legal scholars and professionals, receiving practical guidance about how to uphold these principles in their careers. They also are connected with a network of nearly 3,000 like-minded Fellows who can ...
  • Challenges to our fundamental freedoms are increasing. Across the country, we’re seeing the government allow women’s sports and even their private spaces to be overrun by males. Free speech rights are facing continued threats from government, schools, and other institutions. Activists are working to strongarm pro-life pregnancy centers into silence and limit their ability to serve vulnerable women. With the help of friends like you, Alliance Defending Freedom is standing against these threats to your basic rights. Your gift will help us continue to defend... Women and girls from the Biden ...
  • The Human Rights Campaign isn’t just a flawed organization; it’s a leading advocate of unjust causes in the courtroom, legislature, and public square.
  • Update your contact information for ADF emails to stay up to date on important legal cases and key issues affecting your God-given freedoms. You'll receive emails with... Breaking news and case updates Ways you can get involved Free resources Event information and invitations And you can adjust your preferences at any time, so you’re getting information and resources on the issues you care most about.
  • While virtually every Western country has passed so-called “hate speech” laws that significantly censor their citizens’ expression, the United States is among the last countries resisting this violation of free speech. But what makes America so special? After all, Finland, Scotland, Ireland, and others guarantee free speech and religious freedom in their founding documents. What makes us special is not ultimately that we have a constitution—it's that Americans are committed to practicing their rights and standing firm for their freedom in the face of opposition. But we must continue standing ...
  • Each generation faces defining moments when they are responsible for acting to protect and advance the God-given freedoms handed down by previous generations. Today, we are in one of those cultural moments. Many people are abandoning or outright rejecting basic truths. Government officials charged with securing freedom are silencing views they disagree with. Now, we’re called to meet this cultural moment with unwavering determination and bold confidence. But what does meeting the cultural moment mean? It means standing for the family—God’s cultural building block. Meeting today’s cultural ...