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Showing 1984 results for "scrapbooking photography blogging how amy lawson developed passion visual storytelling"
  • … massive confusion among West Virginia schools about how to enforce the law. The West Virginia legislature passed …
  • Americans’ right to live and speak the truth is facing intensifying threats. There are children today who are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools across America. Children are also being pressured into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated into radical gender and race-based ideologies, and are being taught to reject the values they are raised with at home. Artists are being threatened with fines, damages, threats to their livelihood, and even jail time for declining to promote messages that violate their deepest beliefs. These are only a ...
  • Americans’ right to live and speak the truth is facing intensifying threats. There are children today who are being targeted and punished for their faith in public schools across America. Children are also being pressured into experimental “gender transition” procedures, are being indoctrinated into radical gender and race-based ideologies, and are being taught to reject the values they are raised with at home. Artists are being threatened with fines, damages, threats to their livelihood, and even jail time for declining to promote messages that violate their deepest beliefs. These are only a ...
  • Tippecanoe County Right to Life now allowed to run ad depicting scientific truth about child development
  • ADF attorneys represent former administrator in lawsuit against Albemarle County School Board
  • … Washington Post published an article claiming to reveal how “aggressive” ADF has been in our legal “tactics.” In a … difficult for them to pursue this new field. Chris Herring Photography : Chris had a personal situation arise which … but she too eventually had to stop for personal reasons. Amy Lynn Photography Studio : Amy Lawson operated in the …
  • Our basic, God-given rights are facing serious threats across the country. When one right is taken away through a dangerous, precedent-setting law, other rights tend to fall as well. Alliance Defending Freedom is standing in the gap to undo dangerous precedents and set new ones that build a future for freedom in America, but we need your help. When you give, Alliance Defending Freedom can better defend the rights of all Americans to live and speak the truth. Will you give today? ADF is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to protecting religious liberty, freedom of speech, marriage and ...
  • ADF attorneys represent Young Americans for Liberty at University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • ADF attorneys agree to successfully settle lawsuit challenging discriminatory Jacksonville law
  • … in state law that will help end inequities between how churches and non-church charities are treated in property … in state law that will help end inequities between how churches and non-church charities are treated in property …