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Showing 282 results for "check out five our most read s 2021"
  • … Oregon School District Fired Educators for Speaking Out ADF is representing two educators in a lawsuit against an … from their jobs simply for exercising their rights. Read on to learn more about their case. Who are Katie Medart … 7 Katie and Rachel believe that their state government’s suggested gender identity policies put children in harm’s
  • … Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs John Kluge was forced to resign … 4, 2024 Religious freedom has been one of America’s most cherished rights since the Founding. In both our personal lives and our professional careers, the right to …
  • … support to mothers as we walk alongside them. Dobbs allows our society to focus resources where they are most needed. A … legislative findings on prenatal development: “Between five (5) and six (6) weeks’ gestation, an unborn human … willing to welcome a child into their homes—which works out to thirty-six families for every one child available to …
  • … Teach Us to Number Our Days: A Response to Pride Month How we spend our time … high feast of the progressive liturgical calendar.” It’s a calendar meant to control the time of our society, with … pushed by Pride Month. Some Christians are living this out by dedicating the month of June to Life (celebrating the …
  • … Can a Court Dictate How a Christian College Carries Out Its Mission? Gordon College, a Christian college in … the schools’ faith to students. In a recent decision in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru , the Court … of students is the very reason for the existence of most private religious schools, and therefore the selection …
  • … Idaho to Court: Let Us Protect Our Children Idaho passed a law protecting children from … procedures being pushed by activists to stop children’s natural biological development. Idaho is one such state. … … … 7658 … 7664 … 7648 … Idaho to Court: Let Us Protect Our Children … 21322 … gender … family … Supreme Court of the …
  • … female students, no matter their age. Unfortunately, in five of the 21 states that have passed a women’s sports law, … and girls. Where does your state stand on women’s sports? Check out our chart below. … … 8722 … 7658 … 7648 … Here’s How Our
  • … How Religious Freedom Benefits Our Society Religious freedom should be encouraged — even by … that religious freedom benefits society, Makridis points out that since 2010, religious freedom has declined … specifically personal property rights 3. Whether a country’s culture prioritizes religious activities in daily life Is …
  • … The Free Speech Issue of Our Generation: Corporate Cancellation’s Threat to Freedom No one should lose access to their social … As Christian charity Indigenous Advance found out when Bank of America canceled its account with scant …
  • … United in Our Care for Vulnerable Women We asked a number of national … families, churches, lawmakers, and communities—whether it’s opening our home to adoptive or foster children, supporting … women and men agree that the father of the baby is the most influential factor in a woman's abortion decision. We …