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Showing 299 results for "crucial marriage cases coming high court consideration"
  • … Wisconsin Court Strikes Down School’s Secret Gender-Transition Plan The court ruled that Kettle Moraine School District educators may … extreme circumstances, parents should be the ones making crucial decisions about their children’s health and …
  • … his religious and political views. The city settled out of court, and paid Dr. Campion $210,000 in damages. … Dr. … his religious and political views. The city settled out of court, and paid Dr. Campion $210,000 in damages. … Dr. … society … religious freedom … Michael Campion … marriage … homosexuality … family … conscience … Case:Campion …
  • … challenge the new “buffer zone” statute. “The U.S. Supreme Court had never approved of any type of a law even remotely … similar to the Massachusetts statute,” DePrimo said, “The court has, for many, many years, said that speech on public … eight years, finally reaching the United States Supreme Court in early 2013. A few months after arguments, nine …
  • … the most joyful, most authentic moments of a couple’s marriage story. It’s an incredible job. But equally as … looking around, I can see I’m not alone. There is a case coming before the Supreme Court ( 303 Creative v. Elenis ) this December considering …
  • … homeless shelter triumphs over government hostility Cases: Downtown Hope Center v. Municipality of Anchorage I … man get the care they would have provided to any person coming to them with such injuries. The Downtown Hope Center … of our cases, including 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court since 2011. … The Downtown Hope Center Story It seems …
  • … children [CASE UPDATE: July 4, 2019]:  The Grand Chamber (High Court) of the European Court of Human Rights has unanimously decided to decline …
  • … ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman argued to the Supreme Court that restricting signs based on their content is … speech protections granted by the First Amendment. The Court ruled in favor of Pastor Reed in a landmark decision, … ADF Senior Counsel David Cortman argued to the Supreme Court that restricting signs based on their content is …
  • Christian Andzel’s pro-life club was charged almost $650 to hold a debate when other campus groups didn’t have to pay anything.
  • … and protect the speaker’s rights.   What has the Supreme Court said about the heckler’s veto? In Terminiello v. … is to invite dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates … stirs people to anger.” This is just one example of the High Court upholding freedom of speech, even in the face of a …
  • … on equal terms with other community members. The court agreed and ordered the school to stop enforcing its ban against students handing out religious flyers. The court further ruled that the school could not deny the … on equal terms with other community members. The court agreed and ordered the school to stop enforcing its ban …