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Showing 2128 results for "news you should know demoralizing world girls sports"
  • … agrees to investigate Connecticut policy that abolishes girls-only sports ADF filed complaint on behalf of female athletes that … Holcomb continued. “But girls competing against boys know the outcome before the race even starts. Boys will …
  • … ADF to ABC News: Retract defamatory story, issue apology Published July … and Director of Communications Kerri Kupec  regarding ABC News’ abandonment of objectivity in repeating false … for everyone. “For the sake of its own integrity, ABC News should issue an apology to Alliance Defending Freedom and …
  • … More states, girls sue Biden admin for illegal attempt to rewrite Title IX … made up of female athletes devoted to protecting women’s sports, and Katie Rowland, a 13-year-old student who had to … could lose funds. It’s unconscionable, it’s dangerous for girls and women, and it’s against federal law.” “The Biden …
  • … for presiding over marriages and for spreading the news of God’s love. In honor of St. Valentine’s Day, I want you to know that God loves You!!! ‘…God so loved the world that He …
  • … Safety, fairness in women's sports upheld in Florida Federal court dismisses challenge to … like Florida have an interest in protecting women and girls as men continue to take medals, podium spots, and other … the principle that ‘all persons similarly situated should be treated alike.’” ADF attorneys filed the …
  • … WVSU soccer player seeks to protect women’s sports ADF attorneys ask court to allow female athlete to … males who identify as female to compete with females in girls’ and women’s sports. West Virginia recently enacted the … Lainey Armistead, a soccer player at WVSU. “Women’s sports should be both fair and safe. West Virginia’s Save Women’s …
  • … female athletes fight to protect fairness in women’s sports ADF attorneys ask court to allow the Association of … teams and use female-designated showers and locker rooms. “Girls deserve to compete on a level playing field, and … teams and use female-designated showers and locker rooms. “Girls deserve to compete on a level playing field, and …
  • … Supreme Court. Sadly, Barronelle received some devastating news. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear her appeal. … Barronelle Stutzman’s struggle for religious freedom should be alarming not only to Christians, but to every … Barronelle is a floral artist … and a grandmother. You’d never expect to see someone like her at the center of a …
  • … Good news for Bible publisher challenging abortion pill mandate … House Publishers, based in Carol Stream, Ill., is the world’s largest privately held Christian publisher of books, … by Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys. “Bible publishers should be free to do business according to the book that they …
  • … Does the ACLU Know What ‘Sex’ Means? States are introducing legislation to … (passed in 1972 to combat sex discrimination in education) should also include SOGI, even though sex had no such meaning … Freedom View Profile … … 7658 … 8722 … Does the ACLU Know What ‘Sex’ Means? … 21222 … gender … ACLU … Title IX … …