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Showing 425 results for "good bad ugly howell report"
  • Federal government requires two private, Christian liberal arts institutions to facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs for their employees and students.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Louisiana State University student restricted from student restricted from distributing pro-life material beyond a 1,000 square-foot area on campus
  • The Supreme Court held that ban on partial-birth abortion was constitutional—bringing this inhuman procedure to an end.
  • AZ school district unlawfully drops student-teachers because they attend Christian university
  • Federal government requires a Christian Bible publisher to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees
  • Town sued for opening its meetings with prayer
  • ADF defends Dr. Dobson’s ministry against the Obama Administration’s attack on its religious liberty.
  • Lawsuit prompts college to revise funding policy to end discrimination against religious, political groups
  • University specifically names First Amendment protected speech as possible violation of ‘harassment’ policies; ADF sues on behalf of student
  • Washington state denies foster-care license to parents unwilling to promote state's gender ideology