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Showing 335 results for "year review"
  • … universal preschool program, which guarantees every four-year-old in the state at least 15 hours per week of state-funded preschool services for the upcoming school year. The Colorado Department of Early Childhood, however, is … universal preschool program, which guarantees every four-year-old in the state at least 15 hours per week of …
  • Commission concluded that religious group violated the law by declining to host same-sex ceremonies
  • … Resources Summary In addition to nearly $900,000 a year in federal funding, Planned Parenthood had also been receiving more than $350,000 a year in funding from the state of New Hampshire, but the … Bio : Michael Tierney … In addition to nearly $900,000 a year in federal funding, Planned Parenthood had also been …
  • … under the religious accommodation for an entire school year. But in response to the grumblings of a few students and … under the religious accommodation for an entire school year. But in response to the grumblings of a few students and …
  • … application fifth, and it gave out 14 grants that year. But the Department denied a grant to Trinity solely … application fifth, and it gave out 14 grants that year. But the Department denied a grant to Trinity solely …
  • … Abortionists in West Virginia are seeking to repeal a 152-year-old state law that protects unborn lives from the moment … Abortionists in West Virginia are seeking to repeal a 152-year-old state law that protects unborn lives from the moment …
  • … From Religion Foundation is challenging a more-than-50-year-old provision of the Internal Revenue Service tax code … From Religion Foundation is challenging a more-than-50-year-old provision of the Internal Revenue Service tax code …
  • … Freedom attorneys and allied attorneys represent a 10-year-old student in the case. Case Documents Court Title Date … Freedom attorneys and allied attorneys represent a 10-year-old student in the case. … 7625 … 7627 … 7617 … 7626 … …
  • … School District began addressing and treating an 11-year-old girl as a boy without telling her mother. The mother … School District began addressing and treating an 11-year-old girl as a boy without telling her mother. The mother …
  • … homeless.  The church provides thousands of meals every year to the homeless, it operates a food and clothing bank, … Court Title Date State Supreme Court Petition for review 10/9/2013 Appellate Court Appellate court opinion … homeless.  The church provides thousands of meals every year to the homeless, it operates a food and clothing bank, …