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Showing 374 results for "equipped encouraged emboldened pastors 2012 election"
  • Finnish parliamentarian Päivi Räsänen has been charged with “hate speech” for sharing her faith-based views on marriage and sexual ethics
  • A male who identifies as a female sued USOA Pageants after learning that the pageant allows only women to compete.
  • ADF attorneys are co-counsel in defense of state’s Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act
  • ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom filed suit on behalf of Sara Hellwege, who was denied employment as a certified nurse midwife solely because of her religious objection to certain early abortifacient items and her membership in a pro-life organization.
  • … U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief - Helen Alvare 1/29/2012 U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief - Dr. Daniel N. Robinson … U.S. Supreme Court Amicus brief - African American Pastors; Center for Urban Renewal and Education; Frederick … 1/22/2013 U.S. Supreme Court Petitioners’ reply brief 9/4/2012 U.S. Supreme Court Petition for certiorari to the U.S. …
  • Augusta State University expels a graduate student because she expressed—and then refused to abandon—her Christian beliefs.
  • A Christian college asks the US Supreme Court to protect its freedom to decide who can teach the faith.
  • Chike Uzuegbunam was stopped twice from peacefully sharing his Christian faith with fellow students on his college campus.
  • Same-sex couples sue to overturn Oklahoma’s definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman.