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Showing 653 results for "four recent free speech prolife victories celebrate"
  • … anti-discrimination law—despite the Commission giving a free pass to three different bakers who refused orders from … cannot force artists to use their expressive talents to celebrate events or express ideas that they do not support. … , where the Court firmly rejected government-compelled speech—an issue argued, but not decided in Masterpiece . …
  • … State University did when they took on a university speech code.  The College Republicans were used to being a … and international terrorism, memorialize the victims of recent terrorist attacks, and prompt conversation on the … Freedom fought for these students, and their right to be free from censorship for saying things other students found …
  • … freedom … pro-life … pregnancy centers … Connecticut … free speech … sanctity of life … Care Net Pregnancy Resource …
  • … Pro-Life Students School Professor on Free Speech A professor at Fresno State tried to censor the campus … university campuses are supposed to be places where the free exchange of ideas can thrive. Students have the right to …
  • … wedding cinematography field has hit a huge obstacle — a speech coercing state law. According to Minnesota officials, … Minnesota’s speech-compelling law. Telling stories that celebrate a same-sex marriage would violate their religious … Freedom serves as lead counsel for Telescope Media Group free of charge. Case Documents Court Title Date Trial Court …
  • … its type in the Western and Midwestern United States. With four manufacturing facilities and twelve sales and … by members of the Newland family: William E. Newland’s four children William Newland, Paul Newland, James Newland, … Court’s decision, and at least for now, the Newlands are free to run their business according to their faith-based …
  • … of life … colleges & universities … pro-life … Michigan … free speech … equal access … education … Eastern Michigan …
  • … invitations to school to give out to his classmates during free time. But when he requested permission to distribute … remove the unconstitutional prohibitions against religious speech. Building upon this important victory, Alliance … invitations to school to give out to his classmates during free time. But when he requested permission to distribute …
  • … notices which advertise that the “state of Hawaii provides free or low-cost access to comprehensive planning services,” … are subject to the law regardless of whether they offer free ultrasounds and other prenatal care to women, making the … … pro-life advocates … pro-life … pregnancy centers … free speech … Case:Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor v. Suzuki … …
  • … precedent when it held that Gilbert's sign code violated free speech protections guaranteed by the First Amendment. This … the Church and Pastor Reed in defense of their rights to free speech and free exercise of religion.  What's at stake …