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Showing 538 results for "4 reasons parents be wary equality act"
  • … Should Schools Notify Parents if Their Child Claims to Be Transgender? Parental rights are central to a free … surgeries and treatments. The bill allows minors to act against their parents’ wishes and travel out of state for …
  • … Safeguarding Charity Act Would Protect Nation’s Nonprofits Legislation introduced … Published March 5, 2024 Imagine a group of Christian parents coming together around an idea. Their children are … is unfair. And taking away their tax-exempt status would be profoundly unjust. ADF is grateful to Sen. Marco Rubio and …
  • … of its facilities that stated "School premises shall not be used by any individual or organization for religious … of its facilities that stated "School premises shall not be used by any individual or organization for religious …
  • … What Are Parental Rights? Parents, not the government, have the right to raise their … support her. But when their daughter expressed a desire to be referred to by a masculine name and male pronouns, those … citizens, and become leaders across the nation. For these reasons, when the government protects the fundamental role of …
  • … Wisconsin School District Tried to Lie to Parents Children who struggle with gender dysphoria need … Terry McAuliffe even said , “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Parents have a … schools. And in many school districts, there are serious reasons for parents to be concerned. Take the Madison …
  • … The ban was codified in 1979 in the state’s Natural Death Act. In 1996, five physicians challenged the Act, claiming that the ban violated the Due Process Clause of the Constitution. The district court overturned the Act, finding that there is a constitutional “right” to …
  • School board had denied Christian student club recognition, equal access to facilities open to other student groups
  • … … sanctity of life … religious freedom … Affordable Care Act … contraception … conscience … Case:Trijicon v. Sebelius …
  • … What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act The misnamed ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ undermines … claimed fixes the bill’s religious liberty problems. Let’s be clear: the religious freedom “protections” in the new … freedom of conscience . Those targeted under the bill will be forced to spend years in litigation and thousands of …
  • The United States Supreme Court says university cannot discriminate against Christian student newspaper