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Showing 2867 results for "new doe rule levels playing field religious students seeking federal aid"
  • … to other student publications. Administrators denied the students’ request for funding because of the Christian … funding the newspaper would violate the First Amendment rule against establishing a state religion. With funding from … Amendment, even if money is directed to a group with a religious viewpoint.  Religious student groups are entitled …
  • … a lot of programs and events.  Badger Catholic offered students exactly that—weekly meetings, counseling, retreats, … Freedom for help and protection from the university’s religious discrimination.  Alliance Defending Freedom filed a … Freedom for help and protection from the university’s religious discrimination.  Alliance Defending Freedom filed a …
  • … v. Illinois Department of Employment Security … taxation … religious freedom … ministries … Illinois … churches and …
  • … The other woman died shortly thereafter, and because the federal government did not recognize their relationship, … of 1996 (“DOMA”), which defined marriage for purposes of federal law as the union between one man and one woman. A federal trial court ruled in her favor, concluding that DOMA …
  • … was barred from "selling" candy cane ornaments to fellow students as part of a classroom marketing project. He was not … until he removed an attached pamphlet explaining the religious symbolism of the candy cane. Following ADF … brief on his behalf in support of the case. In 2006, a federal judge ruled that school officials violated Curry's …
  • The ACLU and other activists are challenging an Oklahoma law that protects children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures.
  • … But the Larsens desire to enter the wedding cinematography field has hit a huge obstacle — a speech coercing state law. … that celebrate a same-sex marriage would violate their religious beliefs and directly contradict the very message … they filed a lawsuit before entering the wedding field, seeking a court order that says Minnesota cannot apply the …
  • … the School of Social Work at Missouri State.  Where many students would have simply signed the letter and moved onto … alone before a faculty panel, interrogated her about her religious beliefs, and then forced her to sign a contract … recommended that the school be closed and reopened with new faculty, and the professor who had charged Emily with a …
  • … Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo, a nurse at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City, was forced to participate in a late-term abortion despite her longstanding religious objection to participating in abortions due to her … to go further by putting in writing that it will abide by federal conscience protection laws, train employees about the …
  • … about 20%. Loper Bright Enterprises, a fishing company in New England, and other fisheries sued to challenge this federal government rule, arguing that NMFS lacked statutory authority to force … where he focuses on the impact of administrative law on religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and family. View …