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  • Vanderbilt University’s nurse residency program forced nursing applicants to promise to do abortions, until Alliance Defending Freedom intervened to stop that illegal requirement.
  • ADF secures decision ordering Mich. school district to allow elementary student and his mother to distribute flyers inviting classmates to Christian summer camp
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys seek new trial, verdict reversal for 4th-grade student barred form reading Bible at recess
  • Augusta State University expels a graduate student because she expressed—and then refused to abandon—her Christian beliefs.
  • Southeastern Louisiana University has enforced a permit requirement and two-hours-per-week “free speech” policy against an outside Christian speaker
  • U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of university policy that forces student groups to allow outsiders who disagree with their beliefs to become leaders and voting members
  • New Jersey school’s ban against student participation in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity struck down by court.
  • ADF attorneys file suit after church sought to distribute fliers through program open to other community groups
  • ADF attorneys secure favorable settlement on behalf of middle school student ordered to remove shirt on day of President’s public school address
  • Christian man was thrown in jail for speaking without permit at Georgia Southern University