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Showing 484 results for "how planned parenthood makes money selling aborted baby parts"
  • Lawsuit says compelled speech law should be struck down like similar statutes in other states
  • ADF helped defend Arizona’s law prohibiting late term abortions after 20 weeks gestation.
  • … their desires or decisions later on.  She also explained how she believed that sexual behavior arises from a person’s … Then she had to write reflection papers, explaining how these activities had “influenced her beliefs” so the … their desires or decisions later on.  She also explained how she believed that sexual behavior arises from a person’s …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Trijicon, a family-owned business, in a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate,
  • … Joel Curry, a fifth-grade student, was barred from "selling" candy cane ornaments to fellow students as part of a … … Joel Curry, a fifth-grade student, was barred from "selling" candy cane ornaments to fellow students as part of a …
  • … debate, but agreed so that the event could go on as planned.  The debate was a huge success with over 200 people … debate, but agreed so that the event could go on as planned.  The debate was a huge success with over 200 people …
  • … viewpoint discrimination. A neutral funding program that makes funding available to all student groups does not … the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, even if money is directed to a group with a religious viewpoint.  … viewpoint discrimination. A neutral funding program that makes funding available to all student groups does not …
  • The California Department of Managed Health Care is forcing churches to pay for elective abortions in their health insurance plans.
  • ADF and its allied attorneys succeeded in having a county forced speech ordinance declared unconstitutional.
  • Eastern Michigan University denies pro-life student group equal access to mandatory student fee funding.