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  • Alliance Defending Freedom filed suit on behalf of Sara Hellwege, who was denied employment as a certified nurse midwife solely because of her religious objection to certain early abortifacient items and her membership in a pro-life organization.
  • Cathy DeCarlo was forced to assist a late term abortion against her religious beliefs, and against the law.
  • Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Student Expelled for Adhering to Her Religious Beliefs and Admonishes University that “Tolerance Is a Two-Way Street.”
  • A New Jersey hospital agreed to stop forcing nurses to assist in abortions after a federal court issued a temporary restraining order against the hospital.
  • ADF attorneys appeal federal court ruling against counselor fired for referring individual seeking same-sex relationship counseling to a colleague
  • Vanderbilt University’s nurse residency program forced nursing applicants to promise to do abortions, until Alliance Defending Freedom intervened to stop that illegal requirement.
  • City of Minneapolis severed relationship with psychologist after learning of affiliation with pro-family organization