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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed with the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday in Missouri Department of Corrections v. Finney, in which three prospective jurors were dismissed because of their religious beliefs: “American society has no place for religious tests for civic duty. What happened in Missouri is egregiously wrong and extremely troubling. Even though the prospective jurors made it clear that they would adhere to the law and judge ...
  • Lawsuit challenges Kettle Moraine School District policy of changing students’ names, pronouns without parental consent
  • ADF attorneys representing cake artist and his Masterpiece Cakeshop asked state high court to uphold Phillips’ First Amendment rights
  • Sixteen states, numerous groups file friend-of-the-court briefs with 1st Circuit supporting middle-schooler’s First Amendment right to express his views
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a proposed friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Monday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit in Parents Defending Education v. Olentangy Local School District Board of Education in support of educators and students’ First Amendment right to speak according to their deeply held beliefs: “School policies that compel the use of pronouns inconsistent with sex force students and educators to speak contrary to their deeply held ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit’s decision Thursday in L.W. v. Skrmetti to uphold Tennessee and Kentucky state laws that protect children from harmful and unnecessary medical procedures: “Tennessee and Kentucky are right to protect minors from harmful, irreversible, and experimental medical procedures that can permanently alter children’s bodies without any proven long-term benefit. Children suffering discomfort with their sex are best ...
  • ADF attorneys file opening brief with 1st Circuit in lawsuit challenging school officials for censoring ‘There are only two genders’ shirt
  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews following hearing Monday
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Friday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in Doe v. Horne that asks the court to uphold an Arizona law protecting safety and fairness in women’s sports: “Many young women across the country are facing the demoralizing reality of losing to male athletes who have natural physical advantages—advantages that can’t be overcome by similar training. States like Arizona have an interest in ...
  • Numerous friend-of-the-court briefs filed with 9th Circuit