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  • Boise State University required a student organization to have warning signs for two pro-life events on campus that campus officials deemed “controversial.”
  • In 2011, the North Carolina General Assembly authorized an optional “Choose Life” specialty license plate.
  • Pro-adoption license plate rejected as "patently offensive'
  • In January 2013, The Radiance Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about social issues from a Christian perspective, posted an article on two of its websites critical of the NAACP’s position on abortion
  • In January 2015, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration on behalf of an HIV-positive Rhode Island man after he lost his private health plan due to Obamacare and was forced on to the state exchange.
  • In January 2015, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration on behalf of a pro-life Vermont man after he lost his private health plan due to Obamacare and was forced on to the state exchange.
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to pay for abortion-inducing drugs for its employees.
  • An Ohio law criminalizes political speech that a state agency determines to be “false.”
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices