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  • MA boy forbidden to wear “There are only two genders” T-shirt to school
  • Kaley Chiles works as a licensed professional counselor in Colorado who helps clients with various issues, including gender identity and sexual orientation. Chiles sees her work as an outgrowth of her Christian faith, and numerous clients come to her because she shares their own faith-based convictions and worldview. These clients believe that life will be more fulfilling if aligned with the teachings of their faith. Though Chiles never promises that she can solve these issues, she, like her Christian clients, believes that sexuality and gender identity issues can, with God’s help, be brought ...
  • ADF urges 5th Circuit to hold govt officials accountable for First Amendment violations
  • ADF urges US Supreme Court to uphold freedom of speech on public sidewalks
  • ADF to 8th Circuit: Protect parents’ right to raise children without govt interference
  • ADF to US Supreme Court: Protect NYC workers from discriminatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate
  • ADF urges US Supreme Court to uphold religious accommodations for employees
  • WV Christian schools, families urge state’s high court to uphold vital scholarship program.
  • ADF, Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty advocate for protection for religious minorities from government discrimination.
  • Christian school associations support Jewish university’s religious autonomy