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- Arlene's Flowers is being sued by the State of Washington to pressure her to abandon her conscience and participate in same-sex weddings ceremonies.
- Learn about Michigan apple farmer Steve Tennes who East Lansing barred from its farmers market because of his religious beliefs.
- ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute.
- US Supreme Court vacates decision that upheld Alaska’s draconian campaign contribution limits
- New state law forces faith-based groups to hire, employ people who disagree with their mission
- ADF files brief on behalf of constitutional scholar asking 8th Circuit to uphold Arkansas law
- Lexington promotional printer wins his case, one justice says govt violated First Amendment
- Minnesota law threatens expressive business owners with fines and jail time if they decline to create speech promoting same-sex marriages.
- Peter Vlaming was ordered by West Point High School to use pronouns against his beliefs. When he didn't comply, he lost his job.
- Two Phoenix artists challenged a city ordinance that forced them to use their artistic talents to promote messages they disagree with.