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Showing 3454 results for "detailspages press release details university officials in ohio deem pro life display harmful impose unconstitutional trigger"
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Miami University of Ohio, Hamilton v. Trustees of Miami University of Ohio Details Documents Profiles Summary Miami University of Ohio policies authorize officials at its Hamilton campus to require students to post …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Cowboys for Life v. Sampson Details Documents Profiles Summary For several years, Josh … of abortion with their classmates at Oklahoma State University (OSU).  Through Cowboys for Life, they had worked … of life.  But they faced numerous obstacles from OSU officials.  When they tried to reserve the lawns outside the …
  • … U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Eastern Michigan University v. Parker Details Documents Summary Students for Life is a student … group at Eastern Michigan University--a voice for babies in the womb amid a sea of misinformation.  The university
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Ball State University v. Hall Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary Ball State … with pregnant and parenting students; however, Ball State officials denied the club’s request because it advocates for …
  • … U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Colorado State University v. Mosher Details Documents Profiles Summary Colorado State University officials denied the campus Students for Life chapter access …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Students for Life at Georgia Tech v. Regents of the University System of Georgia Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary The Students for …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Abolitionists4Life v. Kustra Details Documents Summary Boise State University required a student organization to have warning … signs for two pro-life events on campus that campus officials deemed “controversial.” The university also …
  • … Lost U.S. District Courts ASU Students for Life v. Crow Details Documents Summary Members of ASU Students for Life, a pro-life group at Arizona State University, were told that an exhibit they planned to display … on campus could only be placed in one "speech zone." Officials also insisted that the group procure insurance, …
  • … Queens College Students for Life v. Members of the City University of New York Board of Trustees Details Videos Documents Profiles Summary Queens College … and receive funding from mandatory student activity fees. Officials delayed and then rejected Students for Life’s …
  • … Won U.S. District Courts Students for Life USA v. Waldrop Details Documents Profiles Summary Alliance Defending Freedom … Students for Life USA, a pro-life organization. The University of South Alabama forced the organization to place its display in a small "speech zone" on campus, among other restrictions. …