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Showing 277 results for "why equality act bad news unborn babies those who defend them"
  • Why Male Athletes Who Identify as Transgender Should Not … taboo in our culture today. But this difference isn’t a bad thing—and it's necessary that we recognize it to preserve … in 2020, Idaho passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act . This law ensures that only females are competing in …
  • … The MED Act: Why We Must Preserve Rights of Conscience for Medical … been able to provide critical care for women and their unborn babies. Nine out of 10 religious doctors, nurses, and other …
  • … Here’s How the Equality Act Threatens Your Freedom Laws must respect religious … Amendment rights of artists who serve everyone, including those who identify as LGBT, and want to speak and express …
  • Why Web Design Is Art and a Freedom of Expression As a … note: The following piece was written by Kara Jensen, who joined an amicus brief in 303 Creative v. Elenis … And I find great joy in using my artistic freedom to bring those ideas to life on a website. I love advancing clients' …
  • … Every Unborn Child Has a Family Being pro-woman and pro-man is an … life and death, or of freedom and oppression, depending on who you’re talking to. Sometimes it even sounds like women … been pulled into the fear that comes with listening to those who say that life isn’t worth it if it starts in …
  • … What Are ESG Policies, and Why Are They Harmful? Activists are using ESG policies as a … don’t underestimate the political motivations driving it. Those promoting ESG claim it will act as a “force for good on a truly massive scale.” But that …
  • … outside the facility, attempting to save the lives of the unborn children of the women who entered. “I want to be there … by amending its Reproductive Health Care Facilities Act from 2000. This meant that pro-life advocates were … to condemn, not help, the women and men and their unborn babies. Alliance Defending Freedom gave full support to …
  • Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and EMTALA seek to protect every life—including the lives of unborn children. Written by Lincoln Wilson Published April …
  • … What Is Freedom of Conscience, and Why Does It Matter? The freedom of conscience is fundamental … Star Wars where Darth Vader chooses to do one final good act after a lifetime of evil. But none of these examples … without coercion and to speak and act consistently with those beliefs. That freedom begins internally: the government …
  • Why Anchorage Went After a Women’s Overnight Shelter The … Sherrie decided to overcome this fear by serving people who, just like her uncle, were in dire need. Today, she is … by the love of Jesus,” the center’s mission is to “offer those in need support, shelter, sustenance, and skills to …