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Showing 263 results for "secularists unite destroy parental authority religious liberty"
  • … Biden Administration Oversteps Its Authority in Lawsuit Against Idaho The Biden administration … as the Supreme Court has affirmed. States have the primary authority to regulate the practice of medicine. EMTALA is … as the case continues. The Biden administration has no authority to override the will of Idahoans. And it certainly …
  • … any age in the adoption of transgender identities without parental notice or consent. But even worse, it requires … names and pronouns at the child’s request, without parental consent—without even telling parents this is being … February 2020 : The Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty (WILL) and Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit …
  • Parental Notification Policies Keep Children Safe The duty to … their child’s health and welfare. This respect for the authority of parents over their children arises in many other settings: a parental permission slip before a child attends a field trip, …
  • … Congress Must Ensure Parental Rights Receive the Highest Level of Protection  The Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act will ensure parental rights are protected just as much as other … action to ensure the government isn’t abusing its authority and trampling fundamental rights. Under strict …
  • … What Are Parental Rights? Parents, not the government, have the right … the state’s views on sexual and gender identities, forcing religious applicants to violate their deeply held religious … that an Oregon law “unreasonably interfere[d] with the liberty of parents and guardians to direct the upbringing and …
  • … Notify Parents if Their Child Claims to Be Transgender? Parental rights are central to a free society, but as this … a transgender identity. Furthermore, only parents have the authority to make medical decisions for their minor children, … says this policy “will override parental rights, it will destroy girls’ protections for our privacy, our safety, and …
  • … ‘Gender Support Plans’ Trample Parental Rights Schools that implement ‘gender support plans’ … to fill out the form with the student, often without parental knowledge. ‘Gender support plans’ present dangers to … Parental Rights … 20506 … education … free speech … religious freedom … public school … Indiana … 'Gender Support …
  • … How the Biden Administration Is Using Regulations to Erode Religious Freedom The Biden administration has implemented or … abortions. President Biden’s HHS is overstepping its authority with this unlawful mandate. And by trampling the … start to enforce this harmful rule anyway.   Religious Liberty & Free Inquiry Rule Issued by the Department of …
  • … parents the chance to care for children because of their religious beliefs. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom … a loving home for children simply because they hold religious beliefs that the state dislikes. Vermont revokes … Gender Ideology Litmus Test for Foster Parents … 21567 … parental rights … religious freedom … gender … conscience … …
  • … wishes. Alliance Defending Freedom is working to protect parental rights in education, and we’ve seen success in … for example, ADF and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty secured a court ruling prohibiting schools from using biologically incorrect pronouns for students without parental consent or over a parent’s express directions. And …