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Showing 214 results for "new va law will force photographer violate his faith so hes taking stand"
  • New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech Photographer … to be false. They say if she doesn’t, she violates the law. But that’s exactly wrong. The truth is that Emilee … Photography v. James New York’s public-accommodation laws force Emilee to promote views of marriage that violate her …
  • … How One Fifth-Grader Wouldn’t Let His School Stop Him From Expressing His Christian Faith   Brian Hickman just wanted to dance to a Christian … Christian music—something he had learned to do at church . So it was natural for him to want to share his talent at …
  • … Looking Back: New Mexico Photographer Told Violating Her Conscience Is ‘The … potential customer. This, despite the fact that New Mexico law did not, at the time, recognize either marriage or civil … laws like Colorado’s cannot be used to force Americans to create speech that violates their beliefs. …
  • New Mexico Passes New Law Protecting Doctors’ Freedoms After ADF filed a lawsuit, … the lawsuit. The bottom line The government can’t force health-care professionals to violate medical ethics or their religious convictions to …
  • … students by denying the truth. He also believed it would force Christian students and faculty members to speak … the three other teachers agreed to call students by new names that were inconsistent with their sex if the names … could not agree, because this would still force him to violate his religious beliefs and deny the truth to his
  • New York Would Force Pro-Life Groups to Hire Pro-Abortion Employees New York … against PETA’s core mission. But what if there were a law that could force PETA to hire this applicant anyway? In … centers and churches, to employ people who expressly violate their mission. It prevents these organizations from …
  • … Bronx Church’s 20-Year Legal Battle Led to Freedom for New Yorkers of All Faiths After 20 years of legal proceedings, Bronx Household of Faith and other NYC churches finally have equal access to … than fall victim to those circumstances, Naeem spent his time playing basketball and hanging out with friends in …
  • … Professionals: Violate Your Conscience or Violate the Law ADF is challenging SB 1564, an Illinois law that would force pro-life doctors and pregnancy centers to refer for … services, and pro-life information to women so that they will be supported in choosing to give birth—things like …
  • … officials cannot misuse public-accommodation laws to force people to say something they don’t believe. Written by … in Colorado claimed that the state’s public-accommodation law required Lorie to create websites expressing messages … based on what particular idea, message, or belief one will express. It is the people’s right to pursue truth and …
  • … Professor Can’t Be Forced to Endorse an Ideology Against His Beliefs Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a professor at Shawnee … a great professor. In his class, students are exposed to new ideas and opposing viewpoints. They have the opportunity … State University. Outcome Public universities should not force teachers to abandon their beliefs. When the university …