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Showing 270 results for "can you commit thoughtcrime using wrong pronoun"
  • … California Thinks It Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can Along with violating the Constitution and federal law, …
  • … Speech ‘Preferred pronouns’ may sound harmless, but they can have vast implications for free speech. Written by Neal … need to be named specifically.” For example, instead of using someone’s name repeatedly (e.g., “Dave did this. Then, … who dashed across the yard” can be replaced with “they” if you wanted to refer to the same kids multiple times. These …
  • … Catholic Bookstore Owner Exempt from Pronoun Police Jacksonville cannot punish Queen of Angels … private business and offer goods or services to the public can do so, and many people have even immigrated to the United … community. People who are curious about Catholicism can come to ask questions and learn about the faith, and …
  • … is what profoundly influenced the course of his life. “You see how language forms around ideas,” Peter says. “There are things that you can express in French that you can’t express as well in … use the student’s preferred male-sounding name and avoid using pronouns altogether. But Peter simply could not use …
  • When we are facing a world of compromise, we offer the joy of conviction.
  • … Have a Viewpoint Diversity Problem. Here’s How They Can Fix It. When corporations lack viewpoint diversity and … But many of these large publicly traded companies are using their wealth and influence to engage in highly … to fulfill the political role. They can be the mouth; you should keep being the arm.” “In the body politic, …
  • … Ballot Measures: What Are They and How Do They Affect You? Radical pro-abortion activists are attempting to … are proposals that are placed on the ballot so the people can vote “yes” or “no” directly on a new law, instead of … a so-called “right” to abortion in state constitutions. Using the deceptive guise of “restoring Roe ,” these ballot …
  • … What the FDA Hasn’t Told You About Mifepristone The FDA has endangered women and girls … included crucial safety standards it deemed necessary when using these drugs. Since then, the FDA has increased the … the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case. ( You can read more about that lawsuit here .) But just what are …
  • … SCOTUS Weighs in on Whether Maine Can Discriminate Against Religion Carson v. Makin, which the … . The Supreme Court will review whether a state government can discriminate against religious schools that actually … since 1980, parents have been forbidden from using this program to send their children to private schools …
  • … Would You Trust California with Handling Private Donor … In our current toxic social climate, expressing your views can be dangerous. It makes sense that some donors prefer to … uncalled for. Nonprofits like TMLC haven’t done anything wrong. And what’s more, California is unlikely to use any of …