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Showing 239 results for "3 reasons pastors should sign our brief supporting ministerial housing allowance"
  • … But Pastor Reed soon found out the Town of Gilbert had a sign code that restricted the type of signs he could put up … Reed v. Town of Gilbert In 2007, the Town of Gilbert had a sign code restricting the size of signs and the duration they … … 19181 … free speech … religious freedom … churches and pastors … Good News Community Church … Supreme Court of the …
  • … decide who performs this vital function. This is why our courts have recognized the principle of the ministerial … the employee in question (a teacher named Cheryl Perich) should be considered a minister: “Hosanna-Tabor held Perich … … Supreme Court of the United States … churches and pastors … education … The Ministerial Exception: Protecting …
  • … Idaho to Court: Let Us Protect Our Children Idaho passed a law protecting children from … many children are told that their discomfort is a sign that they might be the “wrong” sex and that they should try to change their bodies to look like the opposite …
  • Should Schools Notify Parents if Their Child Claims to Be … issues.” Wendell’s story raises the question: should parents be notified by the school if their child … consequences: physical, moral, and psychological harm to our nation’s children. A war on innocence An entire …
  • … What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act The misnamed … speech. Written by Gregory S. Baylor Published November 3, 2022 Revised June 10, 2024 President Biden signed the … purport to address religious freedom concerns may be a sign that senators heard the criticisms of the bill. …
  • … When Self-Expression Becomes Our Identity If our identities are (wrongly) defined by our … person has a unique core of feeling and intuition that should unfold or be expressed if individuality is to be … part is … Yes, I am.” Neither Jack nor any other American should be forced to express something they don’t believe. And …
  • … What Is Assisted Suicide, and Why Should You Care About It? Laws that legalize assisted suicide … Jesse’s sister contacted Alliance Defending Freedom, and our attorneys filed a lawsuit on her behalf . Jesse’s food … for example—where ADF attorneys filed an amicus brief in defense of the commonwealth’s prohibition on the …
  • … Here’s How Our Laws Can Protect Fairness in Women's Sports Enacting … fail to guarantee fair female athletic competition. Why should the 18-year-old in high school be protected but then … ages. In order to preserve fairness, women’s sports laws should apply to all female students, no matter their age. …
  • … Teach Us to Number Our Days: A Response to Pride Month How we spend our time matters. Just as the culture is dedicating time to … the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly rhythms that orient our lives. These societal rhythms greatly influence who we …
  • … Federal Court Should Clarify That March for Life Can’t Be Forced to Pay for … up for these rules in court. No pro-life organization should be forced to provide life-destroying drugs and devices … against its beliefs and mission. The bottom line No one should be forced to pay for or participate in abortion—least …