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Showing 174 results for "why treating churches worse secular groups bad idea"
  • … Washington State Treated Churches Worse Than Breweries and Cannabis Retailers Washington State … Church of Mt. Spokane and Westgate Chapel differently than secular businesses. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … Court Stops Vermont From Treating Religious High School Students Worse Than Everyone Else ADF won a lawsuit challenging the … the rising cost of college tuition. And that’s exactly why Vermont’s Dual Enrollment Program exists. It allows high …
  • … No Strings Attached: Why the Government Shouldn’t Tax Churches Church tax exemptions protect our First Amendment … may know that churches are tax-exempt, many can’t explain why that is. Even many Christians would likely have …
  • … Worship Banned at the Civic Center? Why One New Church Filed a Lawsuit Against Its Town Redeemer … changed its policy to reverse the worship ban. Now churches can rent the civic center on the same terms as every … government cannot treat religious people and organizations worse than everyone else. Thankfully, the town changed its …
  • … Planned Parenthood’s Legacy: It’s Worse Than You Think Planned Parenthood has repeatedly … has demonstrated a pattern of devaluing life and treating it like a commodity. Who founded Planned Parenthood? … … 7786 … 7633 … 7664 … Planned Parenthood’s Legacy: It’s Worse Than You Think … 20430 … pro-life … pro-life advocates …
  • … What Is Freedom of Conscience, and Why Does It Matter? The freedom of conscience is fundamental … them. And we can join communities of people—like churches, nonprofits, and other associations—that share our … money to all sorts of charitable causes (religious and secular alike). ADF represented graphic artist and website …
  • … Religious Discrimination in Broadcasting: It’s 18 Times Worse Than You Think The Copyright Royalty Board is … apply multiple statutes, and affirmed the rate structure. Why did ADF ask the Supreme Court to hear the case? The … To begin, the CRB violated the First Amendment by treating noncommercial religious broadcasters worse than some …
  • Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life Both Idaho’s … Freedom. View Profile … … 7664 … 7633 … 7653 … 7722 … Why EMTALA and Idaho’s Law Both Protect Life … 21397 … … … pro-life … Idaho … Supreme Court of the United States … Why EMTALA and Idaho's Law Both Protect Life …
  • … What Are ESG Policies, and Why Are They Harmful? Activists are using ESG policies as a … danger ESG policies pose. A growing number of individuals, groups, and companies are paving an alternative path forward … he says. “It is socialism in sheep’s clothing.” That’s why Inspire Investing CEO Robert Netzly just exited the ESG …
  • Why Anchorage Went After a Women’s Overnight Shelter The … outcast—like they don’t matter and are not loved. This is why the Downtown Hope Center exists. Written on the windows … population. Let’s take a closer look at the case and why the government came after this vital ministry. The …