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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding a Wyoming bill, the Life is a Human Right Act, which became law Friday and affirms the value of every innocent human life: “Every human life is valuable, and every baby deserves to be protected. We are glad that Wyoming continues to eagerly protect life and enact laws that seek to preserve the lives of children and protect the wellbeing of their mothers. All states—including Wyoming—have valid interests in preserving unborn life, as well as a duty to protect the health and safety of women ...
  • As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter season, there are growing threats to those who serve Him.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Christiana Kiefer regarding Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto Friday of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, as bill that protects opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring they are not forced to compete against males playing on women’s sports teams: “By vetoing this bill, Gov. Kelly has chosen—for the third time—to reject fairness in sports for thousands of women and girls in Kansas. Allowing males to compete in girls’ sports is discriminatory and destroys fair competition and women’s athletic ...
  • Students at Arizona Christian University had teaching opportunities taken from them because of their school’s beliefs.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Kate Anderson, director of the ADF Center for Parental Rights, regarding two formal comments ADF attorneys submitted Friday in support of Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’s proposed education regulations that ensure respect for the role of parents in directing the education and health care of their children and protect the privacy and safety of female students: “Parents know their kids best. As the primary caregivers, parents are best positioned to make good decisions about their kids’ ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is dedicated to keeping the door open for the Gospel and preserving freedom for future generations. This work isn’t possible apart from prayer. Join ADF in prayer for freedom’s future by signing up to receive monthly prayer updates on legal cases and issues that will impact freedom for all. Sign up today and you will receive: Monthly prayer update in your inbox Praise reports on victories Ways to pray for key cases And, of course, you can update your email preferences at any time. Thank you for joining us in prayer!
  • The 9th Circuit upheld a female-only beauty pageant’s right to have all-female contestants to express messages consistent with its beliefs.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Erik Baptist following his arguments at a federal court hearing Wednesday in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a case in which four national medical associations and four doctors experienced in caring for pregnant and post-abortive women are suing the federal government for illegally approving chemical abortion drugs that harm women and girls: “Today, we asked the court to put the health and wellbeing of women and girls first by undoing the harms that the FDA has caused by ...