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  • In the Reed v. Town of Gilbert case, the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot regulate signs differently based on their content.
  • ADF attorneys represent Dr. Hazelrigg, obstetrician, medical director of Choices Pregnancy Center in Arizona
  • ADF attorneys represent Choices Pregnancy Center in two briefs filed at Arizona Superior Court in Pima County
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp regarding Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Friday of HB 2161, a bill that builds on Arizona’s existing Parental Bill of Rights to ensure that parents are free to direct the upbringing, care, and education of their children: “Parents have the right to raise and educate their children consistent with their beliefs and values without fear of being unjustly punished by government. HB 2161 defends that right by strengthening Arizona’s existing Parental Bill of Rights, making Arizona one of the strongest defenders ...
  • Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski create custom-designed artwork through their business, Brush & Nib Studio.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Monday of HB 2449, a bill that ensures that residents of long-term care facilities are able to receive visits from clergy during a state of emergency, an extension of protections passed last year for patients in hospitals: “The religious freedom of Arizonans should be protected, especially during a public crisis. Over the past two years, too many people were denied visits from clergy, even in end-of-life situations. HB 2449 ensures that this does not happen ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Wednesday of SB 1399, a bill ensuring that Arizona’s foster care service providers are able to continue serving Arizona’s foster children and foster parents according to their beliefs without fear of unjust government punishment: “Every child deserves the chance to be cared for by a loving family. When faith-based foster care service providers are empowered to operate according to their beliefs, more providers can recruit and serve more foster families to ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Advocacy Strategy Emilie Kao regarding Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Wednesday of SB 1165, a bill that protects opportunities for women and girls in athletics by ensuring they are not forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports teams, and SB 1138, a bill that protects Arizona’s children by ensuring they do not undergo harmful, experimental “gender reassignment” surgeries: “Girls deserve to compete on a level playing field. When the law ignores biological differences, women ...
  • Abortionists filed suit to kill law that prevents Down syndrome babies from being targeted for death because of their disability
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey’s signing Tuesday of SB 1457, a bill sponsored by Sen. Nancy Barto that limits taxpayer funding for abortion, ensures that unborn children cannot be discriminated against for reasons of genetic abnormalities, and implements reasonable regulations for at-home use of abortion-inducing drugs: “Every unborn life is valuable, precious, and worthy of protection. Senate Bill 1457 includes several commonsense measures that will protect innocent human life and the health and ...