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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb’s signing Wednesday of SB 480, a bill that protects children from dangerous, life-altering medical procedures: “Denying the truth that we are either male or female hurts people, especially vulnerable children. Indiana is right to stop the injection of political agendas into the health care system by ensuring that children are protected from life-altering, so-called ‘gender transition’ procedures. Science and ...
  • After ADF attorneys file suit, state rushes to enact law allowing doctors to decline participation in assisted suicide
  • When the FDA allowed abortion-by-mail, it enabled sex trafficking. Trafficked women can now be more easily kept away from doctors and coerced into abortion.
  • ADF attorneys favorably settle lawsuit on behalf of Young Americans for Liberty chapter
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and across the globe. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Every year, Alliance Defending Freedom receives thousands of requests for legal assistance—and that represents just a fraction of people whose rights are threatened by the government. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful and advance the right to live and speak the truth by making a gift right now? Your doubled gift will make an immediate impact and help us walk boldly into the wind to defend our ...
  • ADF's Center for Academic Freedom defends the First Amendment rights of students, student organizations, and faculty members at America's public universities.
  • ADF attorneys represent mother prevented by the state from adopting because of her faith
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Bowman regarding a public comment ADF attorneys submitted Monday urging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to withdraw its proposed rule that could force employers to provide health insurance coverage for contraceptives and early abortion pills in violation of their religious or moral beliefs: “No American should be forced to violate their ethical and religious beliefs about the sanctity of life and human sexuality. Every employer should enjoy this same constitutional protection, free to live ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s signing Thursday of HB 1136, a bill that ensures that North Dakotans are free to live and work according to their faith without fear of unjust government punishment: “Citizens shouldn’t be left defenseless when their government attempts to burden their ability to live and worship according to their faith. This law provides a sensible balancing test for courts to use when reviewing government policies that infringe upon the religious freedom rights of North ...