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  • ADF to 4th Circuit: Courts are not religious inquisitors
  • Christian photographer, various ministries challenge new state law forcing them to violate core convictions in speaking, hiring, health insurance, other policies
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent two churches, three schools, and a pregnancy center network in challenge to a Virginia law
  • Peter Vlaming was ordered by West Point High School to use pronouns against his beliefs. When he didn't comply, he lost his job.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia sued the Gloucester County School Board in Virginia over its policy that protects students’ privacy and safety by reserving restrooms and changing areas for members of the same biological sex.
  • Activists sue to overturn Virginia’s marriage amendment
  • After denying an honor student credit for community service performed with children at the student’s church, a Virginia school district is forced to change policies and recognize the student’s service.
  • Cross displayed by Christian group deemed “blatantly Christian” and “offensive” at Chesapeake city park
  • The United States Supreme Court says university cannot discriminate against Christian student newspaper
  • When she was a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, Alliance Defending Freedom helped Sarah Stites file suit against the Fairfax County Public School Board.