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  • California’s new law prohibits public schools from having policies that ensure staff notify parents about their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • When Dan and Jennifer Mead discovered that their daughter’s school had been actively hiding her struggle with gender identity from them, they knew they couldn’t be silent. They pushed back against the school’s deceptive actions—for their daughter’s sake, and for parents everywhere. Because no parent should be deceived about their child’s health and wellbeing. With the support of ADF, the Meads are challenging their school district to help stop this from happening in their community and yours. But none of this would be possible without the help of friends like you. Your generous partnership and ...
  • The Biden-Harris administration has proposed radical changes to Title IX, a law that safeguards privacy, safety, and fairness for women and girls. The administration is attempting to twist this federal law to accommodate radical gender ideology, undermining the fundamental purpose of Title IX by redefining “sex” to include “gender identity” in this law. It’s a blatant threat to the rights and safety of women and girls across the country. As this issue unfolds in real-time, we want you to be prepared to discuss it and stand for the truth—at home, in your workplace, and with your friends and ...
  • The Supreme Court’s decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis is a testimony to God’s faithfulness in using the work of ADF to protect free speech for all.
  • Liam Morrison, then a young middle school student, had his voice silenced when school officials punished him for expressing his opinion with a t-shirt that said, “There are only two genders.” Since then, an appeals court has ruled against him, and now his ADF attorneys are poised to appeal his case to the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s bravely standing for our free speech rights—show him your support with a quick message of encouragement right now!
  • Our rights to free speech and religious freedom enshrined in the U.S. Constitution are priceless. We know that these freedoms give us the ability to openly discuss important issues without fearing government punishment and to live out our faith openly and freely. Yet for many of our clients whose First Amendment freedoms have been violated, the Constitution has had a very direct and personal effect on their lives. Because of that founding document, they can continue to speak, work, and provide for their family without violating their conscience. They can continue to provide lifesaving care to ...
  • The Brazilian Supreme Court blatantly violated free speech rights by banning X after the company’s chairman, Elon Musk, declined to censor disfavored views.
  • Educators Katie Medart and Rachel Sager were fired from their jobs—because they tried to protect their students from the harms of gender ideology. When they saw students struggling with the effects of this ideology, these Christian educators came together to brainstorm ways that they could best support and serve their students. They crafted a set of policy proposals called “I Resolve”—on their own time, and with the knowledge of school officials. But when they shared the proposals publicly, they were punished by the school. Then they were fired. But teachers shouldn’t have to choose between ...
  • Photographer Amy Lawson filed a lawsuit to challenge a pair of laws that threatened her right to speak consistent with her beliefs.