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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Stephanie Nichols regarding Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing Thursday of SB 1580, a bill that protects doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals and organizations from being forced to participate in health care services that violate their conscience: “Americans shouldn’t be forced to violate their ethical and religious beliefs, and this certainly includes doctors, nurses, and other medical providers. Thankfully, SB 1580 is a strong step in outlining comprehensive protections in Florida law for medical ...
  • ADF attorneys file brief urging state’s high court to allow Roosevelt County to comply with federal law
  • ADF is representing two educators in a lawsuit against an Oregon school district that fired them for voicing their beliefs.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Caleb Dalton regarding the University of Texas at Arlington’s decision to rescind a $28,600 charge that officials had unconstitutionally billed Turning Point USA to cover security for two small campus events. ADF sent a letter to UTA officials two weeks ago requesting they rescind the charge because they violated TPUSA’s First Amendment rights when they illegitimately charged the student group the high security fees following their events: “Charging more than $28,000 for two small events is prohibitively ...
  • Tim Garrison serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom’s Center for Life.
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship gives the next generation of Christian leaders the education and tools they need to advance your right to live and speak the truth—whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions. But training these impressive young people to stand up and win for your freedom—and helping give them a lifelong community they can turn to—is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support. Your gift to help Blackstone impact the future of our legal system will be combined with a $250,000 challenge grant. Don’t miss ...
  • We are incredibly blessed to be welcoming 192 remarkable Christian law students from across the United States and around the globe to the 24th class of Blackstone Legal Fellowship! As one way of communicating support to this year’s Blackstone Interns, we are inviting you to write notes of encouragement to the incoming class. We look forward to hearing of the ways God will use these notes to bless the incoming students and of the fruit that your encouragement will help produce! Thank you for your continued support of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship.
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey’s signing Monday of SB 59, a bill that protects the private information of individuals who support charities and other nonprofit organizations: “Every American should be free to peacefully support causes they believe in without fear of harassment or intimidation. We have seen states irresponsibly mandate disclosures that endanger donors, foster a culture of doxing, and discourage charitable giving. SB 59 is an important step in guaranteeing privacy protections for ...
  • ADF attorneys file friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of eight pro-life organizations urging state’s high court to uphold fetal heartbeat law
  • Get the latest on religious freedom directly to your inbox! These days, it can be tough to keep up with all that’s happening in our law and culture—especially with so many threats to our constitutional rights. Alliance Defending Freedom has been in the trenches, defending life, marriage & family, free speech, and religious freedom for the past three decades. Now we are bringing all the latest on our cases to you through The Docket bi-weekly email newsletter. When you sign up to receive The Docket newsletter, you will: Learn what ADF is doing to combat new and existing threats to your religious ...