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  • After she was coerced into having an abortion soon after she immigrated to the US, Fe Esperanza Racpan Vinoya understands all too well the guilt and pain the women who come to the surgery center for elective abortions face.
  • Cathy became a nurse to save lives, but her world crumbled around her when her supervisors demanded that she take a life or lose her job.
  • In third grade, Spencer Anderson first began to think seriously about abortion. Some guest speakers in his homeroom class spoke about the subject, and he still remembers marveling that anyone, for any reason, “wouldn’t want people to live.”
  • Christian Andzel’s pro-life club was charged almost $650 to hold a debate when other campus groups didn’t have to pay anything.
  • Beth Sheeran was a nursing student at Spokane Falls Community College in 2008 when she spearheaded an effort by a Christian club on campus to sponsor a pro-life event.
  • Angela Little was a freshman at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) when a friend persuaded her to help establish a Students For Life (SFLA) chapter at the school. They collected signatures, recruited an adviser, and launched a slew of activities: Chalk Day (pro-life messages on campus sidewalks); Planned Parenthood Day (prominently exposing the corporation’s pro-abortion agenda), a petition drive protesting state insurance for abortion.
  • Madison, Wisconsin laws threatened to compel photographer to take photographs and write blog posts promoting same-sex marriage pro-abortion groups and to publish those photographs and posts on the internet.
  • In 1991, Sue Thayer took a job at her local Iowa Planned Parenthood as an entry-level assistant.
  • Two days a week, five hours per day, for the last 14 years, Eleanor McCullen has stood on the sidewalk outside a Boston Planned Parenthood facility trying to persuade mothers not to abort their babies.
  • Abortion providers repeatedly sued Iowa over the state’s pro-life laws. But that didn’t deter Gov. Kim Reynolds from standing up for the unborn.