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Showing 280 results for "why im suing my former employer school district over critical race theory"
  • critical race theory because they were seeking to explain why the changes in law gained by the civil rights movement on … does critical race theory affect me? How does it affect my freedoms?” Since CRT rejects principles of constitutional … in Albemarle County, ADF is representing Emily Mais , a former assistant principal at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. …
  • … Meet Emily Mais, the Former Assistant Principal Suing Her District for Racial Hostility Former public school administrator Emily Mais filed a lawsuit against the …
  • … Colorado School District Kept Parents in the Dark Over Gender Identity Rooming Scheme Jefferson County Public … share a bed with a male who identifies as transgender on a school-sponsored trip. Written by Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … What Are ESG Policies, and Why Are They Harmful? Activists are using ESG policies as a … global elites, and the big businesses they control.” Over the past two decades, companies all over the world have … not many know where it came from. Almost 20 years ago, former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan contacted …
  • … Wisconsin School District Tried to Lie to Parents Children who struggle … showing up to school board meetings as a negative thing. Former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe even said , “I don’t … policy is a violation of parental rights. That’s why parents are challenging the policy in court. What's at …
  • … Albemarle County School Board Is Fighting Racism with … More Racism? ADF … by treating them differently on the basis of race. That’s why parents are taking a stand and challenging the school … in court. Read the details of this case below. Who is suing Albemarle County Public Schools? What would your …
  • … of what a man or woman is nor offer a rationale for why certain sexual boundaries ought to exist. If gender and … be taught lessons on sexuality in early elementary school? Track athletes Selina Soule and Alanna Smith were … parents. In Wisconsin, the Madison Metropolitan School District adopted a policy for all its schools to “disrupt the …
  • … Michigan Threatens Catholic School Over Gender Ideology A redefined Michigan law is threatening … Freedoms. The case is now awaiting hearing at a federal district court in Michigan. Alliance Defending Freedom …
  • … Oregon School District Fired Educators for Speaking Out ADF is representing two educators in a lawsuit against an Oregon school district that fired them for voicing their beliefs. … because some people disagreed with them, their government employer punished them for exercising that right. Educators …
  • … The Cost of Censorship: North Carolina School Pays Up for Firing Professor Dr. David Phillips had … a racially divisive ideology, often referred to as critical race theory . When Dr. David Phillips, a Governor’s School