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Showing 280 results for "truth about legislation protecting medical workers right do no harm"
  • … The Truth About Pregnancy Centers What are pregnancy centers? What are … not licensed health-care providers from offering even non-medical information, counseling, or services related to … employees. Our clients in that case are all dedicated to protecting life, but the law would force them to employ …
  • … The Truth About Morris Dees and the SPLC The SPLC and its co-founder … to silence them. The organization accuses those who do not subscribe to its views of engaging in “hate,” and it … and exposes the activities of the American radical right.” The SPLC website also advertises a “Hate Map,” which …
  • … of protection, and Mount Sinai expressed no concerns about her beliefs. The hospital maintained a written policy … critical shortages in the medical field. Thankfully, protecting conscience rights in the medical field is a … that violate their conscience. In many states, this legislation is referred to as the “MED Act.” What does the …
  • … happens when the elected representatives refuse to enact legislation desired by the people? Well, in many states, … combat these destructive ballot measures is to speak the truth about their consequences so voters are informed when they …
  • … or changed their business policies due to ESG, as well as about 70 percent of Russell 1000 companies. But now Americans … truly massive scale.” But that raises a big question: what do they mean by “good”? Consistently, the ESG vision of … workplace, and public square. True diversity requires protecting freedom of expression and belief for employees, …
  • … are parents being shut out of decisions made at school about their children, but some government officials are even … are best positioned to care for their children’s welfare. Protecting parental rights protects the well-being of the … While some states have fixed this problem by passing legislation guaranteeing that parental rights receive the …
  • … level of federal protection as other fundamental rights, protecting every parent’s right to direct the upbringing, … typically the most equipped to make important decisions about their children’s lives and well-being. Parental rights … of the United States … public school … gender … Congress … legislation … Congress Must Ensure Parental Rights Receive …
  • … Indiana School Counselor Fired for Telling the Truth South Madison Community Schools fired counselor Kathy McCord after she spoke to a journalist about a deceptive policy. Written by Alliance Defending … Public school employees, just like all Americans, have the right to speak freely about their beliefs. They do not …
  • … Professors Learn Hard Lesson About Censoring Students Maggie DeJong was silenced with no-contact orders from Southern Illinois University … to proceed. The court ruled that Maggie “clearly has the right, as enshrined in the First Amendment, to express her …
  • … out what the scientific evidence says (and doesn’t say) about the effects of ‘transitioning’ minors. Written by Neal … unproven, unnecessary, and potentially sterilizing medical procedures for minors. Dr. Cantor’s expert report … benefits to those who undergo such procedures. Alabama is right to prohibit these procedures being performed on minors. …