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Showing 276 results for "qa kate anderson director adfs center parental rights"
  • … have the right to raise their children. Written by Kate Anderson Published April 28, 2022 Revised July 1, 2024 … PARENTAL RIGHTS Image Kate Anderson Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Parental Rights Kate Anderson serves …
  • … parents, teachers, and other staff members. Written by Kate Anderson Published June 16, 2023 Revised June 7, 2024 Parents … across the country. Image Kate Anderson Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Parental Rights Kate Anderson serves …
  • … Congress Must Ensure Parental Rights Receive the Highest Level of Protection  The … other fundamental rights. Image Matt Sharp Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Public Policy Matt Sharp serves as senior counsel …
  • … Marie Davis, human trafficking overcomer and executive director of Branches Pregnancy Center in Brattleboro, Vermont. “I am living proof that … now directs journalists to put the term “crisis pregnancy center” in scare quotes or to use “anti-abortion center” …
  • … European Court of Human Rights: Belgium Violated Right to Life in Euthanasia Case The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Tom Mortier after his mother was … The following piece, written by Robert Clarke, Deputy Director (Advocacy) for ADF International, originally …
  • … Educators Have Rights, Too Our laws must ensure that educators and their … March 18, 2024 Revised April 1, 2024 When we think of parental rights, we usually think of children and their mothers and fathers. And for good reason: parental rights refer to the fundamental, pre-political right …
  • Parental Notification Policies Keep Children Safe The duty to … and train their child. Image Matt Sharp Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Public Policy Matt Sharp serves as senior counsel …
  • … How ADF Protected First Amendment Rights During COVID Government officials have a duty to … officials still must respect the First Amendment rights of American citizens. During the pandemic, we saw … or $1,250 in fines.  After ADF intervened , Oregon Gov. Kate Brown eliminated the special exceptions that existed for …
  • … Use or Lose Your Rights When we are facing a world of compromise, we offer the … 8722 … 7631 … 7648 … 7658 … 7657 … 7741 … Use or Lose Your Rights … 21602 … 21601 … culture … free speech … gender … … … ADF International … international … Use or Lose Your Rights
  • … she was there, the shelter referred her to a pregnancy center, which provided her with clothes, an ultrasound, and … her ultrasound and receiving help from the pregnancy center, Jean Marie chose life for her baby boy. After her son … she was a client at a pregnancy center, she became the director of one—Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in …