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Showing 248 results for "politicization medicine merely symptom our cultures disease"
  • … intense debate between those who think cancel culture is merely overdue justice being served  while others believe … for refusing to sign a bill. Weiss, on the other hand, had merely voiced a minority opinion at The Times , for which she … cancel culture, each one of us has to decide to share our thoughts and hear others out in a spirit of civility. …
  • … donations in 2022— has caved to these demands. Because of our work defending religious freedom and free speech, ADF is … This pattern of de-banking cannot continue unchallenged. Our nation’s Founders understood that the primary function of … troubling practices. Over the past year, God has blessed our work with real results. For instance, JPMorgan Chase—the …
  • … How Religious Freedom Benefits Our Society Religious freedom should be encouraged — even by … Here in the United States, the First Amendment protects our right to peacefully exercise any religion—or no religion … Makridis study, religious freedom is the foundation for our other freedoms. Where there is religious freedom, other …
  • … Teach Us to Number Our Days: A Response to Pride Month How we spend our time matters. Just as the culture is dedicating time to … the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly rhythms that orient our lives. These societal rhythms greatly influence who we …
  • … When Self-Expression Becomes Our Identity If our identities are (wrongly) defined by our self-perception, then if someone denies our expression of …
  • … Idaho to Court: Let Us Protect Our Children Idaho passed a law protecting children from … the child’s physical health, such as the treatment of a disease or injury, or if they have a medically verifiable … … … 7658 … 7664 … 7648 … Idaho to Court: Let Us Protect Our Children … 21322 … gender … family … Supreme Court of the …
  • … Here’s How Our Laws Can Protect Fairness in Women's Sports Enacting … meaningful difference for women and girls in that state. Merely declaring that such a standard exists is not enough. … Without these two elements, women’s sports laws are merely a political soundbite that fails to truly protect fair …
  • … The Free Speech Issue of Our Generation: Corporate Cancellation’s Threat to Freedom No … powerful government agencies—“the free speech issue of our age” during his recent appearance on “The Culture War” … of use held by tech and financial services providers. In our 2024 Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index, Alliance …
  • … United in Our Care for Vulnerable Women We asked a number of national … President & General Counsel | Alliance Defending Freedom Our laws should protect all innocent lives and support … churches, lawmakers, and communities—whether it’s opening our home to adoptive or foster children, supporting pregnancy …
  • When we are facing a world of compromise, we offer the joy of conviction.