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Showing 274 results for "i spoke against racism virginia was attacked anti racists"
  • … Albemarle County School Board Is Fighting Racism with … More Racism? ADF represents a religiously and … this initiative sounds laudable. Everyone should stand against racism. It’s an unqualified evil. But that’s not what … … family … parental rights … public school … Virginia … C.I. v. Albemarle County School Board … Ibañez v. Albemarle …
  • … A University Effectively Fired This Professor After He Spoke About Gender Dysphoria Dr. Allan Josephson was effectively fired after he spoke at a panel discussion on … March 2019 : ADF attorneys filed a federal lawsuit  against University of Louisville officials on behalf of Dr. …
  • … This Photographer Made It Clear: Censorship Is Not a Virginia Value  Photographer Bob Updegrove challenged the … , and our nation’s first president, George Washington, was a Virginian. Other important Virginians include … is a Christian; he simply can’t create messages that go against his deeply held beliefs about marriage. And because …
  • … ADF Asks Supreme Court to Protect Women’s Sports in West Virginia Soccer player Lainey Armistead intervened in a … and a life-defining pursuit.” “Soccer was like the air I breathed growing up. I first kicked a soccer ball at three … their safety by making sure they are not forced to compete against males. But the American Civil Liberties Union …
  • … Religious Freedom Prevails After Christian Orgs Challenge Virginia ‘Values’ Act Two churches, three schools, and a … businesses can operate consistent with their beliefs. Such was the case in Virginia, where the so-called Virginia Values … to challenge a similar Colorado law, but then ruled against her First Amendment claims. In 2023, the Supreme …
  • … Major Victory: Court Revives Lawsuit of Virginia Teacher Fired Over Compelled Pronouns Peter Vlaming, a high school French teacher in Virginia, was fired for respectfully declining to use pronouns … . School officials made Peter choose between speaking against his conscience or losing the job he loved. They …
  • … Vermont Can’t Discriminate Against Religious Schools Officials in Vermont tried to … from the government. But in Vermont, that right was threatened by a policy that was enforced to exclude … unconstitutional, and that’s why ADF filed a lawsuit against officials ( A.H. v. French ). As ADF Senior Counsel …
  • … Teachers Stand Up Against Harmful Loudoun County School Board Policy Loudoun … school teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia, respectfully explained his objections to a proposed … and Kim Wright? At the school board meeting, Tanner Cross  spoke against a proposed district policy that would compel …
  • … TPUSA Wins Round One Against SUNY Cortland, Discriminatory Policy Remains  The … remarks, Professor Karkov accused the organization of racism and opposition to “queer” people. He received applause … not to recognize the TPUSA chapter without explanation, as was permitted under SUNY Cortland policy. President Erik …
  • … Vermont Continues Streak of Hard Fouls Against Christian Schools Mid Vermont Christian School was punished for declining to follow the state’s view on … 2024 The state of Vermont has a history of discriminating against faith-based schools. From excluding Rice Memorial …