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Showing 277 results for "i represent christian baker jack phillips believe me hes good man"
  • … Colorado Came After Jack Phillips … Again – And Lost … Again Jack Phillips should not … events like same-sex weddings or gender transitions. As a Christian, Jack believes that God creates everyone in His …
  • … Activist Lawyer Targets Jack Phillips in Third Lawsuit After over 10 years in court, … that Jack could be forced to express things he does not believe. And a state appeals court affirmed that judgment. …
  • … Supreme Court Upholds Jack Phillips’s Freedom 7-2 A 7-2 Supreme Court ruling in favor of … and a sister volunteers to keep the shop clean. As a Christian, Jack knows that God can use even small shops like …
  • I Was Told Abortion Drugs Wouldn’t Hurt Me. It Was a Lie. Women receiving abortion drugs without any … 24 years old. She currently resides in Salem, Oregon. When I was 24 years old, I became pregnant unexpectedly. I turned …
  • … Gallup Confirms What Americans Believe: Keep Women’s Sports Female When it comes to gender … able to pick and choose at will whether they’ll play as a man or a woman, regardless of the biological difference … also ignoring the views of the people they are supposed to represent. Alliance Defending Freedom understands how …
  • … Lawsuit After Forcing Third-Grader to Remove ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask Then-9-year-old Lydia Booth was forced by her public … her “Jesus Loves Me” face mask. Who is Lydia Booth? “Mama, I’ve got bad news,” then-9-year-old Lydia Booth said to her … handbook, letters, directives on COVID, everything. “I couldn’t find anything that specified anything to do with …
  • … No Room in Washington for Christian Homeless Ministry? Yakima Union Gospel Mission has … of that, the Mission needs to be able to hire people who believe and adhere its biblical beliefs. Mike Johnson, the … the Army Rangers to “find a mountain to climb.” “But I climbed the mountain and had nobody at the top waiting for …
  • … This Volunteer Chaplain Was Fired—For His Christian Beliefs Dr. Andrew Fox was fired from his position … 16, 2022 Revised December 21, 2023 Sadly, stories of Christian teachers , professors , and medical professionals … writing a series of blog posts on truth, justice, and the good news of the Gospel. One issue he wrote about was the …
  • … Censored Christian Counselor Asks SCOTUS to Hear His Case ADF is … Profile … … 7657 … 7631 … 7658 … 7648 … 7664 … Censored Christian Counselor Asks SCOTUS to Hear His Case … 20310 … … Supreme Court of the United States … Washington … Censored Christian Counselor Asks SCOTUS to Hear His Case …
  • … School Tells Christian Teacher to ‘Put Her Beliefs Aside’ Vivian Geraghty … means to be male and female—beliefs rooted not just in her Christian faith, but also in biological reality. It would … … 7657 … 7628 … 7658 … 7627 … 7617 … 7712 … School Tells Christian Teacher to ‘Put Her Beliefs Aside’ … 19299 … Ohio … …